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Christopher Columbus
Junior Certificate History Mind Map on Christopher Columbus, created by Rachel Garvin on 29/11/2014.
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junior cert
age of exploration
people in history
junior certificate
Mind Map by
Rachel Garvin
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Rachel Garvin
over 10 years ago
Resource summary
Christopher Columbus
Early Life
As a teenager, Columbus travelled around on Merchant ships
Born in Genoa, Italy in 1451
He believed East Indies could be reached by sailing west through the Atlantic Ocean
Many maps of the time made the oceans look smaller than they actually are, so he believed it possible to reach China in mere days
He appealed to the kings of Portugal, France and England to finance a westward trip to the Indies, but all denied his requests
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance Columbus
They gave him three caravels,
the Niña
the Pinta
the Santa Maria
He had a crew of 90 men
On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail
After stopping in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa to restock equipment and to make repairs, Columbus’ caravels hit the open seas
The voyage took much longer than Columbus expected, there was no land, just ocean
Men were scared
They were running out of food and water
Men were dying of diseases
Mutiny was a threat
Kept two logbooks to ease their panic
Log and line
No land for 4 weeks
Land Sighted
Reach land on Oct 14th he called it San Salvador
He thinks he reached Asia
Confused when he didn't find riches he expected
Calls natives Indians
Traded cheap beads and goods for gold and unique goods and animals
Christmas night 1492, Santa Maria gets shipwrcked
Builds a shack with its remains and leaves 40 men behind
Return to Spain
Reaches Spain in March 1493
Great welcome
Brought back pineapples, parrots, gold and some captive native Americans
Return to the Indies
He never found the riches he expected
Some began to believe that Columbus had found a new world
On his last voyage he was brought back in chains for mistreatment of the native people
Columbus returned to the new world 3 more times
He died bitter and lonely and because he refused to believe that he discovered a new continent
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