Discourse and Graphology


AS - Level English language Flashcards on Discourse and Graphology, created by Ben Mussell on 06/05/2016.
Ben Mussell
Flashcards by Ben Mussell, updated more than 1 year ago
Ben Mussell
Created by Ben Mussell almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Graphology All the visual aspects of textual design, including colour, typeface, layout, images and logos.
Multimodal A text that employs more than one mode of communication e.g. images as well as words or an aspect of speech as well as writing.
Discourse A stretch of language (spoken, written or multimodal) considered in its context of use.
Genre A way of grouping texts based on expected shared conventions.
Mode The physical channel of communication, either speech or writing.
Intertextuality A process by which texts borrow from or refer to conventions of other texts for a specific purpose or effect.
Typographical features The way fonts are used and set out in texts e.g. type, size, colour, background (to the font), underlined, italicised, bold.
Orthographical features The features of the writing system such as spelling, capitalisation and punctuation.
Turntaking The way in which participants take turns at talk in interactions.
Adjacency pair An example of conversational turn taking. Two utterances, by two speakers, one after the other.
Discourse marker Words, phrases or clauses that help to organise what we say or write (e.g. OK, So, As I was saying)
Tag question A question converted from a statement by an appended interrogative e.g. 'It is nice outside, isn't it?'
Narrative structure How events, actions and processes are sequenced when recounting a story.
Anaphoric reference Making reference back to something previously identified in a text (often using pronouns to refer to an already established reference point e.g. "The woman stood by the door. She made detailed notes of what she could see".
Cataphoric reference Making reference forwards to something as yet unidentified in a text e.g. It was warm. It was living. It was a rabbit.
Phatic talk Language that is devoid of content but that supports social relationships i.e. small talk
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