Geometric Reasoning


Flashcards on Geometric Reasoning , created by arnlarsen on 15/05/2016.
Flashcards by arnlarsen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by arnlarsen almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Enter text here... b=72* Angles on a line add to 180*
Enter text here... Angles at a point add to 360*
Enter text here... x=145* y=35* Vertically opposite angles are equal
Enter text here... a=60* Angle sum of triangles adds to 180*
Enter text here... x=30* Base angles in isosceles triangles are equal
Enter text here... 1=2 Corresponding angles on parallel lines are equal
Enter text here... a=d c=b Alternate angles on parallel lines are equal
Enter text here... a+b=180* Co interior angles on parallel lines add to 180*
Enter text here... Exterior angles of triangles equal the sum of the opposite interior angles
Enter text here... Angles in a polygon
Enter text here... Exterior angles of polygons add to 360*
Enter text here... Angles on the same arc are equal
Enter text here... Angles at the centre are twice the size of the angle at the circumference
Enter text here... Angles on a semicircle are 90*
Enter text here... A triangle is isosceles if the 2 sides equal the radius of the circle
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