applied science unit 11 AQA exam


flash cards for unit 11 exam on key definitions and rules to remember
Flashcards by s010601, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by s010601 over 8 years ago
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Question Answer
dynamic equilibrium the rate of the forward reaction is the same as the rate of the backwards reaction. concentrations of the reactants and products are constant.
homogeneous when all the products and reactants have the same state.
heterogeneous when all the products and reactants have different states.
reversible reaction reactants form products and products form reactants.
le chateliers principle any system in dynamic equilibrium will oppose ant change imposed on it.
catalyst speeds up the rate of reaction without being used up itself by providing an alternative route and lowering the activation energy.
activation energy minimum amount of energy to start a chemical reaction.
dynamic equilibrium: temperature increase= favours endothermic decrease=favours exothermic endo=()H positive- forward will=endo/left exo=()H negative- forward will=exo/right
dynamic equilibrium: pressure *only affects gases* increase=favours side with fewest moles to decrease pressure decrease=favours side with most molecules to increase pressure
dynamic equilibrium: concentration increase reactants, shift right to decrease concentration decrease products, shift right to increase concentration increase products, shift left to decrease concentration
dynamic equilibrium: catalysts no effect on the equilibrium because they speed up the forward and reverse reaction by the same amount
dynamic equilibrium: yield equilibrium shifts right= more products = more yield equilibrium shifts left=less product= less yield
equilibrium constant (Kc) Kc rules if there are more products than reactants Kc= bigger than 1 more reactants than products Kc= smaller than 1 equilibrium= half way between R and P Kc= 1
what affect will adding a catalyst have on the rate of reaction (3 marks) 1. increase a catalyst lowers the activation energy a greater proportion of particles possess an energy greater than the Ea. 3. therefore more collisions will be successful
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