Foundational Knowledge


Masters BCBA Exam Flashcards on Foundational Knowledge, created by Kristine Joy Cor on 29/05/2016.
Kristine Joy Cor
Flashcards by Kristine Joy Cor, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristine Joy Cor
Created by Kristine Joy Cor almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) A scientific approach for discovering environmental variables that reliably influence socially significant behavior and for developing a technology of behavior changes that is practical and applicable.
3 Levels of Scientific Understanding Description- Systematic observations that can be quantified and classified. Prediction (Correlation/ Co-variation)- Two events may regularly occur at the same time. Control (causation)- Functional relationship. (HIGHEST LEVEL OF SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING)
6 Attitudes of Science/ Philosophical Assumptions of Behavior Determinism Empiricism Experimentation Replication Parsimony Philosophical Doubt
Determinism *Cause and Effect *Lawfulness (if/then) *The world is orderly & predictable
Empiricism *FACTS *Experimental data based scientific approach, drawing upon observation and experience. *Requires object quantification & detailed description of events.
Experimentation *Manipulation of variables to see effects on Dependent Variables. *Basic strategy of most sciences. *An assessment to determine if one event caused the another event. *Requires that all variables be controlled except the DV.
Replication- *Repeating experiments *The method that scientist use to determine the reliability and usefulness of their findings. *How scientist discover their mistakes, thus making science a self-correcting enterprise.
Parsimony *The simplest theory *All simple and logical explanations must be ruled out before considering more complex explanations. *help scientist fit findings within the field's existing knowledge base.
Philosophical Doubt Having healthy skepticism & a critical eye about the results of studies and your work with clients.
7 Dimensions of ABA (Baer, Wolf, & Risley) Behavioral Applied Technological Conceptually Systematic Analytical Generality (Generalization) Effective
Behavioral *Observable events *The behavior one chooses must be the behavior in need of improvement
Applied *ABA socially improves everyday life of clients *Improves SOCIALLY SIGNIFICANT BEHAVIORS *Also helps significant others
Technological *Defines procedures clearly & in detail so they are REPLICABLE
Conceptually Systematic *All procedures used should be tired to the basic principles of behavior analysis from which they were derived.
Analytical (Functional Relation, Experimentation, Control, Causation) *A FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIP IS DEMONSTRATED *Describes when the experimenter has demonstrated a functional relation between the manipulated events & a reliable change in some measurement dimension of the target behavior.
Generality (Generalization) *Extends behavior change across time, setting, or other behaviors
Effective Improves behavior in a practical manner, not simply making a change that is statistically significant.
Mentalism Terminology Hypothetical Construct Explanatory Fiction Circular Reasoning
Mentalism *An approach to explaining behavior that assumes an inner dimension exits & causes behavior. *Traditional psychology has been &continues to be dominated by mentalism. Ex: Freud, Talk therapy, LMFT, LCSW etc
Hypothetical Constructs (Imaginary Constructs) *Presumed but un-observable, entities.
Explanatory Fictions *Fictitious variables that are another name for the observed behavior. They contribute nothing to an understanding of the variables responsible for maintaining behavior. *Words such as: knows, wants, figures out, etc
Circular Reasoning *The cause and effect are both inferred from the same information.
Behaviorism *The philosophy of science of behavior *Environmental explanation of behavior
4 Branches of Behavior Analysis *Conceptual Analysis of Bx * ABA *Behavior service delivery *Experimental Analysis of Behavior (EAB)
Conceptual Analysis of Bx Examines philosophical, theoretical, historical and methodological issues.
ABA Technology for improving behavior
Behavior service delivery Professional practice, consultation etc
Experimental Analysis of Behavior (EAB) *Research on basic process & Principles *Laboratories
Pavlov Classical Conditioning i.e respondent conditioning with dogs
Watson Methodological Behaviorism (SRS, SR Psychology, Watsonian Behaviorism)
Skinner Radical Behaviorism- included private events into understanding behavior
Types of Behavior 1. Respondent 2. Operant
Respondent Behavior *Elicited by stimuli that immediately precede them (i.e. Antecedent stimuli) * Involuntary *Reflex (US = UR)
Habituation When the eliciting stimulus is presented repeatedly over a short period of time, the strength of the respondent behavior diminishes.
Respondent Conditioning AKA Classical conditioning, Pavlovian conditioning, S-S paring, CS-CR
Operant Conditioning *The occassion for a response (Sd), the response, the outcome of the response. *The dependency of a particular consequence on the occurrence of the behavior. *When a reinforcer or punisher is said to be "contingent" on a behavior, the behavior must be emitted for the consequence to occur.
Dead man test "If a dead man can do it, it is not a behavior"
Principles of Behavior Punishment Extinction Reinforcement
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