Cold War Dates


Flashcards on Cold War Dates, created by Meg Robinson on 19/02/2014.
Meg Robinson
Flashcards by Meg Robinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Meg Robinson
Created by Meg Robinson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Yalta conference February 1945
Potsdam conference July-August 1945
Hiroshima bombed 6th August 1945
Kennan's long telegram February 1945
Iron curtain speech March 1946
Baruch Plan failed 1947
Truman Doctrine launched March 1947
Marshall Plan June 1947-1952
Cominform established September 1947
Communist Coup in Czechoslovakia February 1948
Berlin Blockade June 1948-May 1949
NATO established April 1949
Communists takeover China September 1949
NSC-68 1950
Sino-Soviet alliance/ Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance signed February 1950
Korean War 1950-53
USA test hydrogen bomb November 1952
Death of Stalin March 1953
Eisenhower becomes president and introduces New Look policy January 1953
Berlin Rising June 1953
Dulles announced massive retaliation January 1954
SEATO formed 1954
Geneva Conference April-July 1954
Taiwan Straits Crisis September 1954
Khrushchev's first visit to Beijing October 1954
USAs first intercontinental bombers 1955
Warsaw Pact established May 1955
Geneva Summit July 1955
Austrian State Treaty 1955
Peaceful Coexistence 1956
Suez Canal Crisis 1956
USSR first TU20 Bear Intercontinental bomber 1956
Soviets withdraw from Finland 1956
Khrushchev's secret speech February 1956
Demonstrations in Poland, Khrushchev agreed to economic reforms February 1956
Tanks sent to Hungary to supress demonstration June 1956
Hungarian Uprising October 1956
Eisenhower Doctrine 1957
Eisenhower warned of missile gap November 1957
Sputnik 1957
2nd Berlin Crisis November 1958
2nd Taiwan Straits Crisis August 1958
CENTO Pact 1958-1979
Khrushchev criticised Great Leap Forward 1958
Cuban Revolution 1959
Camp David Summit and Khrushchev's US visit September 1959
Sino-Soviet Agreement on atomic cooperation cancelled June 1959
Paris Summit, U2 plane incident May 1960
Berlin Wall/ 3rd Berlin Crisis 1961
4th Berlin Crisis 1961
US terminates trade with Cuba 1961
Kennedy becomes US President January 1961
Yuri Gagarin 1st man in space April 1961
Bay of Pigs April 1961
Vienna Summit June 1961
Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962
Hot line link established June 1963
Nuclear Test ban treaty June 1963
China 1st Nuclear Bomb Test October 1964
First US combat forces in Vietnam 1965
Prague Spring 1968
Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia August 1968
Brezhnev Doctrine September 1968
Ussuri river disputes 1969
European Ostopolitik, Berlin Agreement 1970-71
Ping Pong Diplomacy April 1971
SALT 1: Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty and Interim Agreement on Offensive Missiles signed 1972
Basic Principles Agreement signed 1972
Nixon went to a Summit in China, communique issued February 1972
Vladivostok Framework agreed upon 1974
President Ford visited China 1975
Helsinki Accords 1975
Jackson-Vanik Amendment January 1975
Apollo-Soyuz link up July 1975
Official US recognition of PRC, withdrew support from Taiwan 1978
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan December 1979
SALT II signed 1979
Strike by Solidarity 1980
Martial Law in Poland December 1980
SDI/ Star Wars Initiative announced 1983
Gorbachev made it clear he wouldn't enforce the Brezhnev Doctrine 1985
Geneva Summit November 1985
Chernobyl Disaster in Ukraine April 1986
Reykjavik Summit September 1986
Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty December 1987
Hungary becomes independent September 1989
Fall of the Berlin Wall November 1989
Solidarity beat Communist Party in general elections 1989
Vaclav Havel elected president of Czechoslovakia 1989
Ceausescu and his wife were executed 25th December 1989
Reunification of Germany October 1990
Official recognition of end of Soviet Union 25th December 1991
Bankruptcy of USSR declared 25th December 1991
Red army decreased from 5.8-3.7 million men Mid 50s
US military spending 12% of GNP Mid 50s
CIA backed coup against left-wing Guatemalan president 1954
Eisenhower's Domino Theory 1954
PRC established 1949
6 fold increase in Sino-Soviet trade 1950-56
60% of Chinese trade was with USSR 1956
2 more agreements between China and USSR promising more trade, Lushan naval base and further aid including a bigger loan 1954 and 1955
Khrushchev proposed joint control of China's nuclear weapons 1958
Khrushchev proposed a Pacific atom free zone January 1959
Khrushchev's first visit to China, swimming pool photo op 1958
Khrushchev's second visit to China: no guard of honor or microphone, public insults 1959
Khrushchev withdrew economic advisers from China 1960
Mao publicised Khrushchev backing down in the Cuban missile crisis 1963
China had its first nuclear test 1964
No trade or diplomatic links except to get arms to Vietnam March 1966
Ma called Soviet system "a product of revisionist traitors" 1960
Khrushchev announced a new doctrine saying the class struggle was over 1961
Sin-Indian border conflict, USSR sent India $800 million in aid 1962
Sino-Indonesian border conflict: Soviet military aid sent to Indonesia 1959-62
Red Guards crossed Soviet border, Brezhnev posted 15 divisions of the Russian army there 1968
Red Guards occupied island of Damanskii (disputed territory) small-scale fighting broke out, resolution reached when senior ministers from each side agreed to respect borders 1969
Both China and USSR sent military assistance to third world countries 1960s
China encouraged Romania and Albania (in soviet sphere of influence) to be more independent 1960s
China was number one enemy in US 1949-late 60s
US was on the verge of a red scare 1949
No trade, diplomatic links or sporting competition between China and US 50s and 60s
Kennedy discussed taking advantage of Sino-Soviet split, ruled out due to Vietnam war Early 60s
China had only 3 real allies: France, Pakistan and Albania 1969
Nixon relaxed trade and travel restrictions with China and initiated a secret dialogue with Mao through Pakistan 1969
China invites US ping pong team to play an international match in China 1971
US backed PRC's entry into UN 1971
Kissinger visited China to secretly arrange for a presidential visit the next year 1971
Dulles refused to shake hands with Zhou Enlai 1954
Trade between China and US increased from $5 million per year to $500 million per year 1969-1975
Us officially recognised PRC 1979
Taiwan expelled from UN security council with US backing 1971
Kissenger visited China but couldn't reach agreements on Taiwan 1975
USSR began to close the missile gap 1963-9
Point of MAD reached 1969
Vietnam war cost $30 million this year 1969
The post-war boom was coming to an end 1970
Inflation in the US reached 6% 1970
Unemployment in the US rose to more than 5% Early 70s
End of Bretton Woods currency system, making international trade less stable Early 70s
Economy of USSR roughly a sixth the size of that of the US Early 70s
Estimated stockpiles of nuclear warheads: US-28,200 USSR-11,000 1969
Anti-ballistic missile treaty limited each nation to two missile shields each consisting of 100 missiles 1972
Interim agreement on offensive missiles limited stockpiles to: USSR-1618 missile launchers and USA- 1054 1972
Berlin Agreement- guaranteed borders of West Germany 1970-71
OPEC oil crisis 1973
Return to oil price stability 1974-78
GDP of USSR 37% that of US By 1980
USSR increased imports from West by 96% 1974-75
US defense spending went from $404 billion to $284 billion 1970-76
Economic growth in USSR continued to decline despite detente 1970-76
Brezhnev's 1976 Party Congress speech spoke favorably of Detente 1976
Carter rejected Vladivostok framework; replacing the negotiating team and demanding lower ceilings 1977
Carter jeopardised SALT II talks by announcing a new nuclear project 1978
Grain embargo against USSR 1980
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