Grade 2 Music Theory Words


The Italian words needed for grade 2
Cara Dowling
Flashcards by Cara Dowling, updated more than 1 year ago
Cara Dowling
Created by Cara Dowling over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a at, to, by, for, in the style of
al, alla to the, in the manner of
allargando broadening (getting a little slow and probably louder)
andantino slightly faster than andante
assai very
con, col with
dolce sweet, soft
e, ed and
espressivo/ express./ espr. expressive
fp/ fortepiano loud, then immediately soft
giocoso playful, merry
grave very slow, solemn
grazioso graceful
larghetto rather slow (not as slow as largo)
largo slow, stately
ma but
maestoso majestic
meno less
molto very, much
mosso, moto movement
non not
più more
presto fast (faster than allegro)
senza without
sf/ sfz/ sforzando/ zforzanto forced, accented
simile/ sim. in the same way
sostenuto sustained
tenuto held
troppo too much (non troppo: not too much
vivace, vivo lively, quick
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