Vitamin B2


The study of vitamin properties, functions, toxicity and defiency effects to the human body.
Zaid Omar .
Flashcards by Zaid Omar ., updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Zaid Omar .
Created by Zaid Omar . over 8 years ago
Zaid Omar .
Copied by Zaid Omar . over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Vit B2 (Riboflavin) Water soluble vitamin A consistuent of Flavin Monodinucleotide & Flavin Adenine Neuclotide
FAD & FMN FAD: Redox cofactor/ Conenzyme' A non protein organinc compound that is needed for biological acitivity of enzymes to happen FMN: An enzyme that assist in the transferring of an electron from a reductant to a an oxidant
B2 Function Convert Carbs & Fats for energy and growth (OXPHOS, Fat metabolisation, Protein synthesise) Needed for Glycolysis Synthesis of Cholesterol
Food sources Wholegrains such as Wheat, Buckwheat, Oatmeals, wildrice and brown rice All nuts and beans Leafy veggies such as collards, kale, brocoli, lettuce,spinach Lean meat Eggs Liver
What is the ratio needed to convert Carbs and Proteins to Energy? 0.6 mg to 100 Cal
Other plant sources that contain Vit B1? Bladder wrack seaweed, Dulse Seaweed, Okra
What happens if Vit B1 is deficient in the body? Symptoms of VitB1 deficiency include: - Tanchyradia - Beri-beri - Numb feet - Cramped Calfs - Gastrointestinal upset - Decreased appetite -Enlarged heart
What is the required amount of VitB1 to be taken daily Each individual able to absorp differet amount. A good variety of food will ensure sufficient intake. Average recommendation is 1.3-1.5mg
How is Vitamin B1 destroyed? It is loss through few situations: - Washing with water as it is water soluble - Heat - Alkalis such as bicarbonate of soda and baking powder - Sulphites - The adoloscent, sick, stress, pregnant and alcoholic will need higher intake
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