Chapter 1: Technology Ed. Flashcards


10 flashcards describing beginner level technology terms
Abbey Will
Flashcards by Abbey Will, updated more than 1 year ago
Abbey Will
Created by Abbey Will over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Technology a tool , device, or material whose purpose is to solve human problems.
Computer an information-processing machine that manipulates data by following instructions of human programmers, millions of times a second.
Hardware basic machinery and circuitry of a computer.
Software a term for computer instructions -- combination of codes communicating to hardware for a specific function.
System software the "brain" of a computer: control and function
Application Software a part of the computer that performs special functions in a variety of ways: word processing, databases, spreadsheets, slides and presentations etc.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) allow users to create, use, and share knowledge.
Virtual Library a computer with Internet access and bookmarks that gives teachers a variety of curriculum and instructional resources.
Digital Textbook otherwise known as an e-book. Found on desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. No more paper!
Online Learning Environments extending classroom experiences by using a personalized teacher class page for the students.
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