The Nature of Molecules


12th grade Biology Flashcards on The Nature of Molecules, created by Evan Hull on 10/09/2016.
Evan Hull
Flashcards by Evan Hull, updated more than 1 year ago
Evan Hull
Created by Evan Hull over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The three subatomic particles with charges electrons(-1), protons(+1), and neutrons(0)
What defines the atomic number The number of protons
How do you find the atomic mass Adding the number of protons and neutrons
What is oxidation Loss of electrons
What is reduction Gain of electrons
What element makes a compound organic Carbon
What is a nonpolar covalent bond A bond where electrons are shared equally
What is a polar covalent bond A bond where electrons are not equally shared due to varying electronegativity
What are hydrogen bonds Bonds that form between a negative oxygen and a positive hydrogen
Coheisve Water molecules are attracted to each other
Adhesive The attraction of water and another polar molecule NOT WATER
Specific Heat A large amount of thermal energy is needed to break the hydrogen bonds.
Heat of Vapotization Amount of energy needed to change 1 gram of a substance from a liquid to a gas
Hydration shell Prevents molecules from associating with other molecules
Hydrophobic Shy away from contact with water
Hydrophilic Polar molecules that easily bond with water
Hydrophobic Exclusion Nonpolar molecules aggregate with water
pH Scale Used to scale the hydrogen ion concentration
pH Partial hydrogen
Acids Dissociates in water to increase concentration of hydrogen ions
Bases Dissolve in water, lowering the concentration of hydrogen ions
Buffers Resists changes to pH
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