

Flashcards on Leadership, created by CS Prep on 19/09/2016.
CS Prep
Flashcards by CS Prep, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Michael Riben
Created by Michael Riben almost 11 years ago
CS Prep
Copied by CS Prep about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is leadership? intangible factor that makes one group more effective than another
what is the difference btw management and leadership? MAnagement is about processes and focus on control and problem solving, Leadership is about behavior, deal with aligment of people and vision
List qualities of leaders integrity, humility, courage, confidence, compassion, sensitivity, passion, commitment, honesty, interest in serving others
What are the necessary skills for a leader? good management, project management, knowledge of principles, knowledge of informatics,
what are the dimensions of effective leadership? ability to mobilize team, environement that removes barriers, character with compentency, change driver, alignment with people and vision
describe the Action Centered Leadership Model functional leadership model where it is thought of as behaviors that help a group of people perform a task or reach goal, Leadership function meets needs in Task, Team, and Individual
What is the Functional REsults Oriented HEalthcare leadership Model? adds a 4th element to Adair Action Centered model called Results that builds on the foundation of the other 3 and emphasize responsibility for measureable outcomes in healthcare setting
What is the Healthcare Quality Professional leadership model ? professionalism--> self development--> commuication--performance improvement --> organizational awareness --> fostering of positive change
what is teh National Center for Health Leadership Compentency Model? ven diagram of Transformation, People and Execution
what is teh National Center for Health Leadership Compentency Model? ven diagram of Transformation, People and Execution
what is Healthcare Governance in IT projects? infrastructure, strategies, and approaches to support clinicans in the definition of clinical content, refinement of care process and adoption of new technologies before, during and after implementaiton
What are the goals of Governance? demonstrate value for staff, build consensus and minimize resistence
What does should governance model align with? align with organization mission and business drivers,
how often should the HIT governance be evaluated? COntinuously re-evaluate of how HIT governance decisions will promote improved clinical process and patient care
What are the 3 dominant motivators for behavior according to McClelland human motivation theory? Achievement, Affiliation, and POWER
What is Sirota's 3 factor theory of human motivation Equity/fairness, achievement, and camaraderie are three factors
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