Intended Institution Analysis


Looking at different institutions that could promote our video for us
Elite Records
Flashcards by Elite Records, updated more than 1 year ago
Elite Records
Created by Elite Records over 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Why is using a TV institution important? A TV institution is important as it allows for media to become widespread. For example when artists come to make music videos the institution are the organization that put it on a platform so that fans and people all over the world can watch it and enjoy it. Therefore without a TV institution music videos wouldn't achieve the success they do because they miss out on promotion from their music videos.
MTV MTV are one of the most known TV channels when it comes to music broadcast. They have come under criticisms in recent years though as they have moved away from being a music channel and now shows a lot of reality shows such as Geordie Shore and Ex on the Beach. MTV have created sister channels for their music though such as MTV Hits, MTV Classics, MTV Dance etc. These channels are focused on being solely about playing music videos and no other TV shows.
MTV would be a good platform in order to promote our music video with an institution. Looking at the different channels MTV Hits might be a good channel to go for as MTV Music would be more expensive and harder to get on. Also in the mornings they do shows with the official chart hits. We would probably aim to get in 7:00 spot on the top 20 as this would be primetime as people are getting up and turning their TV's on.
4Music is a Freeview music channel available to a British audience. They also have made more of a conversion over to reality TV as they show shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians and I am Cait. The channel in 2008 replaced 'The Hits' and is known for its music broadcasting of the charts and songs that are going to be hits.
4Music have created a 5 minute slot at a peak evening viewing time where they show a video exclusive on their channel. This would be a good slot to get as it would mean having our video given a time slot rather than just being part of a programme. It may mean giving 4Music the exclusive video but because of the popularity of the channel it would be something that would be worth doing.
YouTube would be a great way to broadcast as the great thing about YouTube is that it is free. This would mean not having to pay any TV channel and being able to upload the video at any time and people being able to watch the music video whenever they wanted as many times as they wanted. YouTube has also become very popular especially amongst the youth who are more likely to watch YouTube than a music channel.
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