Phonological Process Therapies


Communication Disorders (Modules 5-10) Flashcards on Phonological Process Therapies, created by Simone Norman on 13/10/2016.
Simone Norman
Flashcards by Simone Norman, updated more than 1 year ago
Simone Norman
Created by Simone Norman over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
difference between phonetic and phonological treatment -phonetics: treating one phoneme to mastery by changing oral-motor placement -phonological: treat multiple sounds by changing the child's mental representations
steps to conventional phonological treatment 1. determine phonological rules the child is using 2. Isolate the changes between the target and the error 3. Select rules and phonemes to target 4. use minimal pairs 5. look for generalization
types of generalizations -response generalization to words not covered in treatment or to positions not covered in treatment (spin>spill or spin>lisp) -generalizations across linguistic units ([sp] to spin aka sounds to words) -within sound class ([sp] to [sk]) -across situations clinical to home
core vocabulary building -used in children with inconsistent errors who don't respond well to other therapies -focus is on 50 highly functional words -weekly sessions of 30-50 min working on 10 words per session -words broken into syllables, clinician models and provides feedback -clinician explains and models each error
Cycles -underlying concepts: phonological acquisition is a gradual process, children acquire lang by listening...a phonetic environment can facilitate correct production -generalization will begin to take place -lets children be actively involved in process of acquisition
who will Cycles benefit? -HIGHLY unintelligible kids 3+ with broad phonological impairment -each phonological rule targeted for 3 hours -40% correct production is the goal
Maximal oppositions -for highly unintelligible children -focuses on changing the child's entire phonological system, not just a set of rules -assumes that acquisition of the more complex phonemes results in the biggest change -comparisons made bw phonemes OUTSIDE of child's system -target vs. target, not target vs. error -for kids age 6+ with missing sounds -therapy 2x weekly for 30 min -5 pictorial words chosen, problem sound contrasted with a maximally diff sound -begin and end with imitative phrase after clinician drills of this
metaphon -cognitive linguistic treatment where the goal is to increase metalinguistic awareness; highlights contrasts among speech sounds and the goal is to self-correct and work on communication as a whole -Treatment--> 1. Developing phonological awareness: concept level (long/short, front/back, etc), sound level, phoneme level, word level 2. Developing phonological and communicative awareness
minimal pairs -present pictures of 2 minimal pair sounds -for mild to moderate phonological impairment -clinician models minimal pairs based on speech errors, child repeats
multiple oppositions -for kids missing 6+ sounds across 3 manner categories -look for phoneme collapse, severe speech disorders -focus on systemwide change -treatment is 2x week for 30 min -tx goals based on sounds being maximally different -target multiple sounds and hope for generalization -error sounds presented as treatment cards, then target sounds are presented on subsequent cards. goal is 90% accuracy
nonlinear phonology -means autosegmental, metrical or prosodic -focuses on relationships bw phonological units( words are made of sounds, phrases are made of words, etc) -fluency strategies: first model slow and rhythmic words, create longer words -musical and rhythmic support: emphasize # of syllables or diff bw stressed and unstressed through music & drumming -visual support: use podium setups to demonstrate weak/strong syllables (strong = taller)
PACT (parents and children together) -family centered approach for kids with phon impairment -focuses on how speech sounds are stored, how they are physically articulated, and phon processes -3-6 yr olds -parent education, metalinguistc training, phonetic production, multiple exemplar training, hw -tx once weekly, 50 min -clinician + child for 30-40, then parent clinician + child for the rest
phonetic placement -teaches one sound at a time focusing on physical placement -useful for kids with HL -uses diagrams, descriptions, and kinesthetic
S-PACK -programmed learning based on operant conditioning -administered one on one. no groups -good for frontal lisp -for school aged kids
speech perception training -based on operant conditioning -for mod to severe expressive phonological delays without organic etiology -20 min modules -audiofiles and images -child hears words and clicks on image on computer screen -used as an add-on tx
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