Causes, Practices, & Effects: WW1


Flashcards on Causes, Practices, & Effects: WW1, created by sademizell on 25/03/2014.
Flashcards by sademizell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sademizell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Total War all the resources of a nation- human, economic, and even spiritual are used by the state to achieve complete victory
propaganda ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause
War is fought to.. Can be no compromise for peace. War is fought until the enemy surrenders
reparations payment to the winning country for damages after a war
"Total Warfare" inflict as much damage on the other army's resources as possible
Civil War fought between people in the same country
a civil war can rise from... - people in certain regions feeling oppressed or neglected - because of political divisions - because of different religious ideas in the county
Wilson's 14 Points Prevented international tensions from leading to war.
Central Powers Germany and Austria-Hungary, often with their allies Turkey and Bulgaria
Political Reason for WW1 the assasination of the Arch Duke
Economic Reason for WW1 France and Britan were in debt to America
Social Reason for WW1 Nationalism
Where was the war fought and by whom? The war was fought in Europe and it was between the Central Powers and the Allies
Women and African-American Involvement Women took over men's jobs at home and were nurses in the war and many other jobs while African-Americans became generals but only in the army
The Russian Revolution Led to Russia withdrawing from WWI due to a communist takeover of their government. Led by Vladimir Lenin.
Conventional War Wars fought mainly with soldiers are considered conventional wars and they may be fought on foot which means fought with infantry
Siege enemy cuts off supplies and strong points before attacking
Open Order Warfare both sides move their forces until they meet in conflict
Army Strategies - the main fighting may be defensive (holding positions) or offensive (attacking positions) - they may use different strategies- the whole concept and planning of wars and campaigns (the big picture) - they may use different tactics- methods to make the strategy a success
Biggest Political Challenge of WW2 The Greatest Political Challenge During the War was the Russian Rev of 1917. The heavy casualties, shortage of food, and decision of the czar to command his own forces (therefore taking the blame for their failures) This caused Czar Nicholas to abdicate to a provisional government which chose to stay in the war, creating even more discontent. The one group that supported peace was the Marxist Party called the Bolsheviks led by Lenin Lenin’s g
The great powers after the war.. - Germany saw the abdication of the Kaiser in Nov 1918 and the start of the first lasting republican democracy in Germany - The Russian Rev ended the the parliamentary gov and established the first communist state which was in existence till 1991 - The Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart at the end of the war. Instead of preserving the monarchy, the war brought about its downfall - the French Republic survived, but it faced increasing instability leading up to World War 2 - the British empire survived but it faced increasing nationalism abroad and social unrest at home
fairer society Encouraged by War propaganda, there was a dream of a new society in which war would not be needed and justice would prevail.
revolutionized warfare The industrial rev, the growth of modern science and tech, larger populations, a rev in transportation, the growth of mass communication, and the growth national feeling were all factors that revolutionized warfare
WW1 Expansion The War expanded to Turkey as the British chased two Germany ships to Constantinople
The Next Phase The next phase was characterized by German success in the East and Allie Failures in the West
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