Additional Science - Chemistry


Flash card on some key word or facts that are helpful.
Faisal Ahmed
Flashcards by Faisal Ahmed, updated more than 1 year ago
Faisal Ahmed
Created by Faisal Ahmed over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the 'sharing' bond? Covalent bonding.
What is the 'giving' bond? Ionic bonding.
How could the ionic bonding process be described? As electrons being given.
How could the covalent bonding process be described? As electrons being shared.
Do covalent bonded molecules conduct electricity? No - except for the graphite, a giant covalent structure.
NM + NM. This describes a __________ bond. Covalent
NM + M. This describes a __________ bond. Ionic
M + M. This describes a __________ bond. This can't even be called a trick question - metallic bonds will ONLY be to do with metal. Duuuuh!
Covalent bonds have a _____ melting point and a _____ boiling point. Low
Ionic bonds have a _____ melting point and a _____ boiling point. High
Covalent substances are usually _____ at room temperature. Liquids / gases.
Ionic substances are usually _____ at room temperature. Solid
Giant covalent substances differ from simply bonded ones because...? They have high boiling and melting points.
Which has the weakest inter-molecular forces: metallic, covalent or ionic bonds? Covalent.
Ionic compounds can only conduct electricity when __________ or __________. Molten or dissolved.
Which two sets of groups on the periodic table generally create ionic bonds? Group 7 & 1, and Group 6 & 2.
Describe the structure of a ionic bond. It is a regular, latticed structure.
All ionic bonds are ________. Giant
Why are most pure metals ductile? (Long answer required.) Because of the molecular structure - the actual atoms are arranged in a lattice, and have many electron shells. Because of this, the very outer electrons can easily escape the pull of the positively charged nucleus - this forms a sea of delocalised electrons. The positive ions and the negative, delocalised electrons are attracted to each other, but the metal atoms can slide past each other without falling apart because the sea of electrons holds them together by attraction.
Why are metals such good conductors of electricity and heat? Because of the sea of delocalised electrons found in most metals - energy is very easily passed from one electron to the next.
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