Planning Experiments


How to plan an experiment.
Quinn Quillfeather
Flashcards by Quinn Quillfeather, updated more than 1 year ago
Quinn Quillfeather
Created by Quinn Quillfeather over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Aim The target which the experimenter is attempting to achieve in the experiment.
Independent Variable The variable which is changed.
Dependent Variable The variable which is measured.
Control Variable The variable which is kept the same and controlled.
Safety Basic safety rules like tied hair and eye protection apply; any precautions specific to the experiment should be noted.
Diagram Demonstrates how the apparatus should be structured (unnecessary drawings such as stopwatches and clamp stands shouldn't be included). Any equipment not included in the diagram should be noted.
Method This should give clear steps that someone with a similar level of scientific knowledge would be able to follow. What and how variables are measured should be noted in the method.
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