A Level Classical Civilisation - The Aeneid keywords


Keywords for the the Aeneid. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Camille Bailey
Flashcards by Camille Bailey, updated more than 1 year ago
Camille Bailey
Created by Camille Bailey over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Allegory In Greek means saying one thing in terms of another. A poem, story or picture which can be perceived to conceal a hidden meaning.
Alliteration A sequence of repeated consonant l sounds in a stretch of language.
Auctoritas The Roman Virtue of authority.
Clemency A Roman virtue. The quality of showing compassion, forgiveness or mercy.
Fides Fidelity - how trustworthy, reliable, credible and faithful you are.
Discliplina Disciplining yourself, having self-control and was key in the Roman army.
Divine machinery A collective noun for gods and goddesses, so called from their plot devices or mechanisms. Juno's anger sets the plot in motion, Jupiter's intervention causes
Epic A work of art on a grand scale, written in a grand style with heroic figures involved in a great enterprise.
Episode A part of the poem that is self-contained and not strictly necessary for the main plot.
Epithet The Greek word for adjective used to describe people, places and things.
Gravitas Dignified self-control.
Georgic A genre that treated Agricultural matters. Virgil's georgic comprise a poem in 4 books treating crops and animals.
Hyperbole Greek meaning throwing too far.
Metaphor One thing is described as being another thing.
Pastoral Land used to keep/graze animals. Virgil wrote ten pastorals (eclogues)
Pathos Moments in a work that evoke strong feelings of feelings of pity and sorrows.
Constantina The Roman virtue of showing a brave face during adversity (self-control).
Piety (Pious) The quality of being deeply religious. Piety is complex and highly valued and a part of Roman virtue.
Pietas Piety - respect towards the gods.
Rhetoric Greek for art of speaking. The art of speaking or writing effectively do as persuade an audience, often with the use of figurative language.
Simile A comparison of likeness, a source of poetic imagery. These are often extended in Virgil.
Virtus Associated with "manliness", to recognise good and evil, wise.
Stoic A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
Cultus The Roman virtue of governing the performance of religious rituals.
Dignitas Dignity, uphold a good reputation for honour and virtue.
Religio Obligations between morals and goals - man and god (sacrifices/libations).
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