Critical Reception ADH


(English ) Flashcards on Critical Reception ADH, created by leeya_chowdhury on 30/03/2014.
Flashcards by leeya_chowdhury, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leeya_chowdhury over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Express by Julie Carpenter "It cleverly echos the claustrophobia of Nora's marriage through setting"
The Guardian "Even the last few rehearsals have shown us a new insight of Ibsen's complex characters."
Mail Online by Quintin Letts "Nora is a mellow dramatic character that is easily tipped from happy to disaster"
The Telegraph "Feminism may not have been in Ibsen's vocabulary but he was concerned with these roles and why we play them"
Matthew Tucker Feminism had gripped the audience in 1879, today it is the subject of economics and debt that strikes the heat of the audience. like Nora we all have money on our mind
Ibsen Norway was an 'exclusively masculine society'
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