Created by Trisha Laughlin
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Allegory | A piece of text with an underlying message that is usually political or moral. |
Allusion | Referencing something without specifically mentioning it |
Comparing two things usually on the basis of structure. | Analogy |
Deliberate repetition to get a point across | Anaphora |
A short, amusing story or event used to get a point across | Anecdote |
Aphorism | A simple statement that holds a general truth |
A figure of speech that detaches the author from reality to address and imaginary character | Apostrophe |
Euphamism | Indirectly referring to something in a polite way while talking about something unpleasant |
Hyperbole | Over exaggerating for the sake of emphasis |
Metaphor | Implied comparison between two things |
Replacing the name of something with the name of something closely related | Metonymy |
A statement contrary to itself | Paradox |
Rhetorical Question | A question without an expected answer |
Synedoche | A literary device where a part represents a whole and vice versa |
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