Rhetoric Strategies


Different rhetoric strategies to help enhance writing
Trisha Laughlin
Flashcards by Trisha Laughlin, updated more than 1 year ago
Trisha Laughlin
Created by Trisha Laughlin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Allegory A piece of text with an underlying message that is usually political or moral.
Allusion Referencing something without specifically mentioning it
Comparing two things usually on the basis of structure. Analogy
Deliberate repetition to get a point across Anaphora
A short, amusing story or event used to get a point across Anecdote
Aphorism A simple statement that holds a general truth
A figure of speech that detaches the author from reality to address and imaginary character Apostrophe
Euphamism Indirectly referring to something in a polite way while talking about something unpleasant
Hyperbole Over exaggerating for the sake of emphasis
Metaphor Implied comparison between two things
Replacing the name of something with the name of something closely related Metonymy
A statement contrary to itself Paradox
Rhetorical Question A question without an expected answer
Synedoche A literary device where a part represents a whole and vice versa
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