Separation techniques


GCSE Science: Chemistry Flashcards on Separation techniques, created by watsonmatthew on 01/04/2014.
Flashcards by watsonmatthew, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by watsonmatthew over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is an immiscible substance? 2 substances that won't mix
What is a miscible substance? 2 substances that will mix
What will happen if 2 immiscible substances are shaken together? Then will mix together then separate again
The denser material does what? The less dense material does what? More dense liquids sink to the bottom, less dense liquids stay at the top
2 Immiscible substances can be separated by what? Separating funnel
2 Miscible substances can be separated by what? Fractional distilation
Air is[...]to remove dust (Fill in the blank filtered
The fractionating column is then cooled to... 200 degrees to become a miscible liquid
During the cooling process what is removed? and how? Vapour, it condenses
What is freezes and is removed? Carbon dioxide
The [...] air then enters the fractionating column (Fill in the blank) liquified
The remaining gases are separated by... Fractional distilation
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