Created by OliviaGroom
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
así | like this/like that |
el asiento | seat |
la asignatura | subject |
asistir a | to attend something |
la atención | attention |
aterrizar | to land (planes) |
el atraco | mugging/hold-up |
atrás | back |
aun | even |
aún | still/yet |
aunque | although |
ausente | absent |
el autobús | bus |
el autocar | coach |
la autopista | motorway |
el autoservicio | self-service restaurant/supermarket |
el autostop | hitchhiking |
AVE | spanish high speed train |
la avenida | avenue |
a la vez | at the same time |
a causa de | because of |
a eso de | ...about... |
el avión | plane |
a partir de | from |
ayer | yesterday |
a principos de... | at the beginning of... |
a veces | sometimes |
ayudar | to help |
a pie | on foot |
el ayuntamiento | town council/town hall |
abajo | downstairs/below |
abierto | open |
la azafata | flight attendant |
el abrazo | a hug |
el/la azúcar | sugar |
el abrigo | coat |
azul | blue |
abrir | to open |
la abuela | grandmother |
el abuelo | grandfather |
aburrido | boring |
aburrirse | to get bored |
acabar de + infinitive | to finish... |
el aceite | oil |
aceptar | to accept |
acercarse | to come close |
el acero | steel |
acompañar | to go with |
acordarse de | to remember |
acosdarse | to go to bed |
la actividad | activity |
adelante | forward |
además | besides |
adentro | inside |
la adicción | addiction |
adicto/a | addict |
adiós | goodbye |
adonde | where |
adónde? | where? |
la aduana | customs |
adulto/a | adult |
aeropuerto | airport |
afeitarse | to shave |
aficionado/a a | a fan of... |
afuera | outside, out |
las afueras | outskirst, suburbs |
la agencia de viajes | travel agencies |
agradable | pleasant |
agradecido | grateful |
agua mineral (sin gas/con gas) | mineral water (still/sparkling) |
ahí | there |
ahora | now |
ahorrar | to save |
el aire condicionado | air conditioning |
el ajedrez | chess |
el ajo | garlic |
al día siguiente | the next day |
al lado de | next to |
al principo | at the beginning... |
al final de | at the end... |
al aire libre | in the open air |
el albergue juvenil | youth hostel |
la adela | village |
alegre | happy |
la alfombra | rug |
algo | something |
el algodón | cotton |
alguien | somebody, someone |
alguno/a | some |
al alimentación | diet |
allí | there |
el almacén | warehouse |
almorzar | to have lunch |
el almuerzo | lunch |
alquilar | to rent |
alrededor de | around |
alto | high/tall |
alumno/a | pupil |
ama de casa | housewife |
amable | kind |
amarillo | yellow |
americana | american |
amigo/a | friend |
el amor | love |
amueblado/a | furnished |
ancho | wide/broad/loose-fitting |
anciano/a | elderly |
andar | to walk |
andar malo | to go badly |
andar bien | to go well |
el andén | platform |
animado/a | lively/in good spirits |
el animal | animal |
antes de | before |
anoche | last night |
anteayer | they day before yesterday |
antiguo/a | old |
antipático | unpleasant |
el anuncio | announcement/advert |
el año | year |
apagar | to switch off/put out |
el aparcamiento | car park |
aparcar | to park |
el apartamento | apartment |
el apellido | surname |
el aperitivo | aperitif/nibbles |
aprender | learn |
aprobar | to approve/to pass |
aprovechar | to make the most of |
aproximadamente | approximately |
aquí | here |
el árbol | tree |
el armario | wardrobe/cupboard |
arreglar | to fix/mend/tidy |
arriba | up/upstairs |
el arroz | rice |
el arte | art |
el artículo | article |
el/la artista | artist |
el asado | roast |
el ascensor | lift |
los aseos | toilets |
a | to |
a la derecha | on the right |
a mediados de | halfway through |
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