Muscles and What They Do


Muscles of the body and their actions
Gillian Eve
Flashcards by Gillian Eve, updated more than 1 year ago
Gillian Eve
Created by Gillian Eve over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Frontalis Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Occipitalis Moves scalp posteriorly
Temporalis Chewing
Buccinator Flattens Cheeks
Masseter Chewing
Zygomaticus Elevate and abduct lower lip
Mentalis Elevates lower lip
Orbicularis oris puckering muscle
corrugated supercilii depresses and pulls eyebrows together, squinting
orbicularis oculi blinking, closing the eye
levator labii superioris elevates upper lip
depressor labii inferioris depresses lower lip
sternocleidomastoid (one) rotates and extends head (both) flex neck
scalene flex neck, laterally flex neck, rotate head, elevate ribs 1 and 2
platysma draws corners of the mouth inferiorly and laterally, draws skin of the neck superiorly
levator scapula elevates scapula
trapezius laterally rotates, retracts, and elevates scapula; extends neck
latissimus dorsi adducts and extends arm at shoulder, medially rotates arm
serratus anterior Draws scapula forward and upward, abducts and rotates scapula
rhomboid major draws scapula together, retracts and rotates scapula
supraspinatus abduction of arm at shoulder
infraspinatus laterally rotates arm, holds humeral head in glenoid cavity of scapula
teres major adducts and medially rotates arm at shoulder
teres minor laterally rotates arm, holds humeral head in glenoid cavity of scapula
deltoid flexion, extension, abduction of arm at shoulder
diaphragm inspiration and expiration (breathing)
pectoralis major flexes, adducts, medially rotates arm at shoulder
pectoralis minor draws scapula inferiorly and anteriorly, raises ribs
external intercostals elevate ribs, forced inhalation
internal intercostals depress ribs, forced exhalation
rectus abdominus flexes spine
external obliques flexes spine and compresses abdominal cavity
internal obliques rotates vertebral column (same side), compresses spine, unilateral contraction
transverse abdominus compresses abdomen, aids in childbirth
iliopsoas flexion at hips
flexor fasciae latae flexion, abduction, medial rotation of thigh at hip
sartorius flexion, abduction, lateral rotation of thigh at hip, flexion at knee
gluteus maximus lateral rotation and extension of thigh at hip
gluteus medius abduction and medial rotation of thigh at hip
gluteus minimus abduction and medial rotation of thigh at hip
piriformus lateral rotation of thigh
biceps brachii flexion of forearm at elbow, supination
triceps brachii extension of forearm at elbow
brachialis flexion of forearm at elbow
brachioradialis flexion of forearm at elbow
palmaris longus flexion of hand at wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris flexion and adduction of hand at wrist
flexor carpi radialis flexion and abduction of hand at wrist
extensor carpi ulnaris extension and adduction of hand at wrist
extensor carpi radialis longus extension and abduction of hand at wrist
extensor digitorum extension at hand, wrist, fingers
Rectus femoris (quadriceps) extension of leg at knee, flexion of hip
vastus medialis (quadricep) extension of leg at knee
vastus lateralis (quadriceps) extension of leg at knee
vastus intermedius (quadriceps) extension of leg at knee
tensor fasciate latae abduction of leg at hip
gracilis flexion and adduction at the hip, flexion at the knee
adductor longus adduction of leg at hip
biceps femoris (hamstring) flexion and lateral rotation of leg at knee, extension at hip
semitendinosis (hamstring) flexion of leg at knee, extension at hip
semimembranosus (hamstring) flexion of leg at knee, extension at hip
tibialis anterior dorsiflexion, inversion of the foot
extensor digitorum longus extension of the toes
gastrocnemius plantar flexion
soleus plantar flexion
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