Ways of Finding Resources


The 4 main ways of finding resources and how to know which ones are best for the job.
Annabel Martin
Flashcards by Annabel Martin, updated more than 1 year ago
Annabel Martin
Created by Annabel Martin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Geochemical Analysis Purpose: To find an economic deposit of a mineral. How: Collect and analyse water from a range of sites. If deposit is present, water has permeated through and will pick up the mineral The higher concentration is downstream the ore body.
Seismic Survey Purpose: Exploration for oil such as hydrocarbon oil and gas How: A ship toes a source of seismic waves that travel to the ocean floor through rocks and get reflected where a change of density is. This detects change in rock type and reflected waves travel back to the ocean floor to the receivers on the cable.
Magnetic Survey Purpose: To detect anomalies in Earth's magnetism. How: Flights over the area detect magnetic anomalies and are downloaded where software highlights these areas. These could be metallic minerals or igneous bodies etc.
Drilling Boreholes Purpose: To confirm presence of rocks. How: A borehole is drilled into the ground (not too deep) and the core it produces is analysed. Very expensive but most accurate.
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