

Immunopathology Flashcards on immunodeficiency, created by lumen7 on 05/05/2013.
Flashcards by lumen7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lumen7 almost 12 years ago
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who gets repeated bacterial infections? pts with:1. low phagocyte numbers (or defective) 2. complement defects 3. humoral immunity defects
macrophage defects in IFNy signalling autosomal recesive, fatal unless tx with IFNy
symptoms dx and tx of complement defs symp: recurrent bacterial infections, dx: symp + CH50 levels, tx: antibiotics
defects in CMI (cell mediated immunity) usually result in recurrent... ...fungal protozoan intracellular bacterial and viral infections
inherited complement defs rare, most common are C3 and C2, if C5 through C9 no MAC formed
phagocytic dysfunction 1 low neutrophil numbers from defective production during haemopoieses, 2. life threatening, 3. tx=recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factrs
The WHO classifies immunodeficiencies into 5 groups 1. phagocytic dysfunction, 2. complement ab+def 3. B cell (humoral) ab+def 4. T cell (CMI) ab+def 5. combined B&T cell ab+def
B cell (humoral) defs 1. brutons x linked agammaglobulinaemia 2. common variable immunodef CVID 3. hyper IgM immunodef
brutons x linked agamaglobulinaemia symp dx and tx symp: normal first 6 months then recurrent pyogenic infections, susp to giardia, dx: low b cell count tx: antibiotics and monthy gammaglobulin transfusions
Chediak-Higashi syndrome 1.autosomal recessive mutation in LYST protein 2. recurrent bacterial infections 3. partial albinism 4. phagocyte granules impotent 5. infiltration of organs by lymphocytes
why is the cause of immundef sometimes hard to identify? 1. normal values have wide range, 2. complex inter relationships between components, 3. sometimes difficult/expensive to test for
2 types immunodeficiency congenital or acquired
three diseases associated with defective intracellular killing of ingested bacteria 1. chronic granulomatous disease CGD 2. Chediak Higashi syndrome 3. macrophage defects in IFN signalling
primary (congenital) defects in structural components or developmental stages of immune system. May be masked at birth by abs from mother.
causes of secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency 1. infectious disease (HIV) 2. cancer 3. stress 4. excessive exercise 5. malnutrition 6. drug tx
leukocyte adhesion defs (LADs) LFA-1 is two chain molecule that allows neutrophils to stick to endothelial wall. If either chain defective, cannot migrate to site of infection
symptoms of LAD 1. recurrent bacterial infections 2. absence of neutrophils at infected sites leading to large abcesses
Diagnosis of LAD detection of defect in CD11 and CD18
Hyper IgM immunodeficiency 1. rare x linked 2. defect gene coding for CD40 ligand essential to class switching 3.
warning signs of primary immunodef 1. family hx 2. recurrent serious infections 3. infant failure to thrive 4. persistent thrush 5. need for IV antibiotics
treatment for LAD antibiotics
Hyper IgM symp dx + tx symp: boys, bacterial infections. dx: def IgG and IgA, no CD40 ligand. tx: antibiotic and gammaglobulin transfusions
3 combined B and T cell defs 1. SCID 2. ADA adenisine deanimase def 3. xlinked SCID
chronic granulomatous disease CGD NADPH oxidase is defective=no superoxide ions to kill intracellular bacteria
what is most common cause for CGD defect in cytochrome b
ADA (adenosine deanimase) def symp dx &tx symp: all types infections. dx: low peripheral T count, detection of ADA, low serum levels of 3 major Igs. tx: bone marrow transplant, gene tx,
x linked SCID lethal. defect in gene for gamma chain of IL-2 receptor. Need bone marrow transplant or gene tx
types of acquired deficiencies 1. malnutrition. 2. cancer. 3. stress. 4. exercise. 5. v young/old. 6. immunosupression 7. infections
malnutrition impaired functions due to lack of selenium copper and fe, lymphoid system particular affected, worldwide issue
what is future tx for cgd gene replacement therapy
Dx of CGD neutrophils stained with nitro-blue tetrazolium remain pale yellow rather than blue
cyclophosphamide acts by covalent alkylation with active metabolites, cross links with DNA, result marrow toxicity-->lymphocyte numbers /function
Tx of CGD antibiotics
glucocortcoids inhibition of b cells, t cells and cytokines
AIDS stats leading cause of death in africa. ~1 million dx in US.
four components of immune system T cells, B cells, phagocytes, complement
HIV symp dx 1.70-80% asymptomatic 3-12 weeks after exposure, 2. fever, rash, cervical lymphadenopathy, aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, polyneuritis, 3. fall in CD4 counts to 300-400, 4. depletion of CD4 cells leaves susp to infections, 5. lymphatic tissue is main reservoir of HIV
list of x linked immunodef diseases (5) 1. CGD, 2. wiskott aldrich syndrome, 3. SCID, 4. x linked agammaglobulinaemia, 5. hyper IgM immunodef
defect in CGD intracellular phagocytic killing and inability to produce bacterial cytolysins
defect in wiskott aldrich syndrome thrombocytopenia and low serum IgM, low CD23 expression causes abnormal B cell development
defect in SCID defect in both humoral and cel mediated immune responses
defect in Hyper IgM defective CD40 ligand on lymphocytes prevent isotope switching therefore low serum levels of all immunoglobulin classes except IgM
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