xISLC 10


Culture & Literature Flashcards on xISLC 10, created by Lisza Neumeier on 04/12/2016.
Lisza Neumeier
Flashcards by Lisza Neumeier, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisza Neumeier
Created by Lisza Neumeier about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
biographical approach we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How does the writer's life inform his text? we need: • close reading of the text • research about the author we get: • a focus on authorial intention and a historical and individual background
structuralism we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • What are the structures within the text? • What larger structure is this text part of? we need: • close reading of the text • knowledge about genres, other examples we get: • a systematicity of parallels and constrasts
Genres (in context with time travelling) • scientific romance –> science fiction • "novum" and "cognitive estrangement" (Darko Suvin) • The Time Machine. An Invention. • speculative fiction • dystopia • adventure stories • novella versus short story
poststructuralism / deconstruction we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • Which beliefs or grand narratives does the text use which need to be critically assessed? we need: • reading against the grain of the text • a great deal of critical distrust we get: • a counter-discourse, an uncovering of the text
psychoanalytical criticism: we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How is the unconscious of the text/writer ("textual unconscious") manifest? we need: • close reading of the text • research on psychoanalysis we get: • a focus on the psyche of the writer, the text or the characters
reader reception/cognitive criticism: we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How is an understanding of the story possible? we need: • detailled reading of the text • research on cognitive and perceptual psychology we get: • a focus on the reader's side of the process
gender studies / feminism we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How are gender roles represented in the text? we need: • critical / deconstructive reading of the text • concepts for gender behaviour we get: • a critical reading of gender behaviour in the text
Marxist approach we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How are the material circumstances of the story represented? we need: • critical reading of the text (possibly with historical background) • look for signs of material conditions and production processes (often through gaps and absences) we get: • a focus on socio-economic conditions
New Historicism/Cultural Materialism we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How can we understand history through literature and literature through history? we need: • contextual reading of the text • research about the historical era we get: • a richer understanding of a particular era
postcolonial theory we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • Are there patterns of colonisation in the text? we need: • contextual reading of the text • research about imperialism and colonisation processes we get: • a focus on power relations and hegemonies
ecocriticism / ethical criticism: we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How is the ecosystem represented in this text?How do values feature in the text? we need: • detailled reading of the text • focus on nature/culture, animals/people, values/beliefs we get: • a focus on ecological relations and ethical beliefs
intertextuality / intermediality: we ask? we need? we get? we ask: • How is the text related to other texts/ media? we need: • intertextual reading of the text • wide knowledge of related texts we get: • an idea of the interconnectedness of texts and other media products
"novum" and "cognitive estrangement" (Darko Suvin) novum: innovation that is not possible in the real world but that’s not important in the text cognitive estrangement: refers to the readers response when they read a science fiction text; when you read sth and then you come across sth from a science fictional world and you have to see it as such (Darko Suvin)
Close reading? Psychoanalysis, Biographical approach, Structuralism
Detailled reading Ecocriticism/Ethical criticism, Reader reception/cognitive criticism
Reading against the grain Poststructuralism
Contextual reading Postcolonial Theory, New Historicism
Intertextual reading Intertextuality
Critical reading Marxist Theory (possibly with historical background), Gender studies/feminism (also deconstructive reading)
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