8th Grade Unit Exam #1


Based on Springboard sections 1.11-1.17
Someone Alive
Flashcards by Someone Alive, updated more than 1 year ago
Someone Alive
Created by Someone Alive over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define Tone! A Writer/Speakers attitude towards a subject.
What is Diction? A writer/speakers choice of words.
What is the direct meaning of a word or expression? The direct meaning of a word or expression is Denotation.
Connotation is the _______ meaning of a word. Implied
TP-CASTT stands for. . . *Tone *Paraphrase *Connotation *Attitude *Shift *Title *Tone
How does TP-CASTT work? It helps you break down a text.
What strategy explains what something is not? Negation.
Function is a definition strategy explaining what something ____. Does.
What does the strategy of example do? It provides you with samples of what ever you might be defining.
What is a hero? A selfless person who goes out of their way to help others.
What does a hero do? Help others.
What is a hero not? Vain, conceited, or a coward.
What use do transitions have in writing? They create coherence.
Examples of closing transitions: *Finally. . . *In conclusion . . . *In any case. . .
Transitions for introducing new ideas: *In fact. . . *Moreover. . . *Consequently. . .
What purpose does embedding a quote serve? It shows more precise and detailed knowledge.
What does TLQC stand for? *Transition *Lead-In *Quote *Citation
What acronym can be used to help embed a quote? TLQC!
"A ___ is not ___" is an example of what? Negation strategy.
What components make up an introduction? The Hook, Bridge, and Thesis!
What can be an anecdote, question, quote, or intriguing statement? The Hook
In a concluding paragraph, should you return to the thesis and hook? Yes.
Should you summarize your paper in the concluding paragraph? Yes.
Should you introduce a new idea in the concluding paragraph? No!
What information is included in body paragraphs? *Topic statement *Concluding sentence *Details & examples *Commentary *Paraphrasing/ Quotes *Transitions
What is the Antonym of Synonym? Antonym!
Function is what? The use of a word in a sentence.
If something is described as not being something, what def. strategy is being used? Negation.
The overall mood or writing is ____. Tone.
How language is used is _______. Diction.
What is the opposite of the implied meaning of a word? Denotation.
A _____ is a subtle difference in meaning. Nuance.
A writing style in which everything has a deeper meaning. Allegory.
What is a definition essay? A text in which one's interpretation of something is defined.
How does formal style differ from informal style? It lacks slang and contractions.
What is coherence? How smoothly a text transitions.
A thesis is the ____ ____. Main idea.
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