Vocabulary Review Flashcard


Use after the reading lesson,
Nhu Do
Flashcards by Nhu Do, updated more than 1 year ago
Nhu Do
Created by Nhu Do about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Selfish (adj) Caring only about yourself rather than about other people
Loyal (adj) Remaining faithful to somebody/something and supporting them or it
Constancy (n) The quality of staying the same and not changing
Sympathy (n) The feeling of being sorry for somebody; showing that you understand and care about somebody’s problems
Acquaintance (n) A person that you know but who is not a close friend
Give and take To be willing, in a relationship, to accept what somebody else wants and to give up some of what you want
(In)capable of (adj) (Un)able to do something
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