Circular Motion


Flashcards on Circular Motion , created by Fatima Saleem on 06/12/2016.
Fatima Saleem
Flashcards by Fatima Saleem, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima Saleem
Created by Fatima Saleem over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Angular Displacement The change in angle of an object moving in a circular path
SI Units Degrees
What is the angular displacement in one complete circle 1 complete revolution= 360 degrees = 2π rad
One Radian Angle subtended at the centre of the circle by an arc length equal to the radius of the circle
Relationship b/w S and ϴ S=rϴ
Angular Velocity The rate of change of angular displacement w.r.t time
Formula 1 w = ϴ / t
SI Units rad / s
Frequency Number of revolutions per second
Relationship b/w angular velocity and frequency w= ϴ / t ϴ= 2π t= T w=  2π/T w=  2πf
Relationship b/w linear velocity and angular velocity v=rw
Direction of linear velocity Tangent to the circle at any point
Acceleration Rate of change of velocity with respect to time
Explain the change in velocity even if it's moving with constant speed velocity is a vector quantity. magnitude and direction are equally important direction changes continuously magnitude is constant
Direction of acceleration Towards the centre of the circle
Formula for Acceleration 1 a= vw
Formula 2 a= rw²
Formula 3 a= v²/r
Is an object moving in circular path in equilibrium? Direction changes, so does velocity. Hence object is accelerating. Hence there must be an external unbalanced force. Hence object is not in equilibrium.
Identify unbalanced force Centripetal force
Centripetal Force Force that keeps an object moving in a circular path
Direction of Centripetal Force Towards the centre of the circle, along the direction of acceleration
Direction of force is in the same direction as motion of the object Causes an acceleration in the sense that speed of the object changes as in magnitude of the velocity changes
Direction of force is perpendicular to the direction of motion Causes an acceleration in the sense that the direction of velocity changes ( speed does not change) Object moves in circular path
In conical pendulum, what causes centripetal force Tsinϴ= Fc Tsinϴ= mv²/r
In the example of a car moving around a curve, what causes Fc Friction
In turning of an aircraft in air, what is Fc Lsinϴ L= lift force
What is Fc in Earth orbiting the Sun? GMm/ r²
Fc in charged particle moving perpendicularly in a magnetic field Bqv
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