Essential Nutrients - Catagorized


Categorizing each essential nutrient as it is taken up by the plant.
Leah Jones
Flashcards by Leah Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Leah Jones
Created by Leah Jones over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Non-Mineral Nutrients C H O (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen)
Primary Macronutrients N P K (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)
Secondary Macronutrients S Ca Mg (Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium)
Micronutrients Fe, Ni, Cl, Mo, B, Co, Mn, Cu, Zn (Iron, Nickel, Chlorine, Boron, Cobalt, Manganese, Copper, Zinc)
Fe (Iron) Micronutrient
Ni (Nickel) Micronutrient
Cl (Chlorine) Micronutrient
Mo (Molybdenum) Micronutrient
B (Boron) Micronutrient
Co (Cobalt) Micronutrient
Mn (Manganese) Micronutrient
Cu (Copper) Micronutrient
Zn (Zinc) Micronutrient
S (Sulfur) Secondary Macronutrient
Ca (Calcium) Secondary Macronutrient
Mg (Magnesium) Secondary Macronutrient
N (Nitrogen) Primary Macronutrient
P (Phosphorus) Primary Macronutrient
K (Potassium) Primary Macronutrient
C (Carbon) Non-Mineral Nutrient
H (Hydrogen) Non-Mineral Nutrient
O (Oxygen) Non-Mineral Nutrient
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