english flashcards


a series of flashcards with words in english, their meaning (also in english) and occasionally their corresponding word in brazilian portuguese.
blank ­­
Flashcards by blank ­­, updated more than 1 year ago
blank ­­
Created by blank ­­ about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
overhaul (verb; chiefly british) overtake; catch with and surpass ... alcançar; ultrapassar
barge (noun) a large boat that has a flat bottom and that is used to carry goods in harbors and on rivers and canals ... chata
clipper (noun; nautical) a sailing ship built and rigged for speed ... embarcação veloz
baulk or balk (verb) to stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified ... empacar
scuttle (verb; nautical) to sink (a vessel) deliberately by opening seacocks or making openings in the bottom. ... afundar propositalmente
cunning (noun) skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving; craftiness; guile. ... astúcia
retreat (noun) a private and safe place ... retiro
launch (noun; nautical) a boat that has an engine and carries passengers for short distances, especially on a lake or a river, or from the land to a larger boat ... barco motorizado; lancha (?)
whether (conjunction) (used especially in reporting questions and expressing doubts) if, or not ... se
wharf (noun) an area like a wide wall built near the edge of the sea or a river where ships can be tied and goods can be taken off them ... ancoradouro
trifling (adjective) small or not important; trivial ... trivial
liable (adjective; non-legal) very likely to do something ... provável; passível
rudder (noun) a flat piece of wood or metal at the back of a boat or aircraft, moved from side to side in order to control the direction of travel ... roda do leme; timão
bellow (verb) to emit a hollow, loud, animal cry, as a bull or cow; to utter in a loud deep voice ... berrar; rugir; vociferar
flush (adjective) abundant or plentiful, as money; well-supplied, as with money; affluent; prosperous ... cheio de
rascal (noun; obsolete) a person of lowly birth ... plebeu
henceforth (adverb) from this time forward : starting now ... doravante
stoker (noun) a laborer employed to tend and fuel a furnace, especially a furnace used to generate steam, as on a steamship ... fogueiro
parlance (noun) a way or manner of speaking; vernacular; idiom ... linguagem
murky (adjective) dark, gloomy, and cheerless; very dark or foggy ... sombrio; turvo;
cantankerous (adjective) difficult or irritating to deal with; disagreeable to deal with; contentious; peevish
unwieldy (adjective) not easily managed, handled, or used (as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness); cumbersome
dreary (adjective) causing sadness or gloom; dull, boring; sorrowful; sad.
heckle (verb) to try to embarrass and annoy (someone speaking or performing in public) by questions, gibes, or objections; badger.
boast (verb) to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own; to have or own something to be proud of.
erstwhile (adjective; adverb) former, previous formerly, in the past
reverie (noun) a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing a daydream
wistful (adjective) sad and thinking about something that is impossible or in the past feeling or showing a quiet longing especially for something in the past
fast (noun) the act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food a period of such abstention or self-denial.
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