

GCSE Physics Additional Science (AQA) Flashcards on Radioactivity , created by yusanr98 on 06/04/2014.
Flashcards by yusanr98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by yusanr98 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a radioactive substance? A radio substance contains unstable nuclei that become stable by emitting radiation.
What three types if radiations are given out from a radioactive substance? Alpha,beta and gamma radiation.
When does a radioactive source give out radiation(radiation decay)? We cannot predict or influence when it will happen.
Where does background radiation come form? It comes from radioactive substances in the environment or from space or from devices such as X-ray machines.
Why was the plum pudding model of the atom rejected? Because it could not explain why some alpha particles were scattered through large angles.
What is an isotope? An element with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
How far can each type of radiation travel in air? It has a range of a few cetimetres in air.
How can we separate a beam of alpha, beta and gamma radiation? By using a magnetic or an electric field.
Why are alpha, beta and gamma radiation dangerous? Alpha, beta and gamma radiation ionise substances they pass through. Ionisation in a living cell can damage or kill the cell.
What do we mean by the 'half-life' of a radioactive source? It is the average time it takes for the number of nuclei of the isotope in a sample to halve.
What do we mean by the activity of a radioactive source? It is the number of nuclei that decay per second.
What happens to the activity of a radioactive isotopes as it decays? The number of atoms of a radioactive isotope and the activity both decrease by half ever half-life.
How do we choose a radioactive isotopes for a particular job? It depends on its half-life and the type of radiation it gives out.
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