CDM Revision PP Questions


CDM Revision PP Questions
PMDG Dangerous
Flashcards by PMDG Dangerous, updated more than 1 year ago
PMDG Dangerous
Created by PMDG Dangerous about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the different media sectors? Audio Publishing Website Games
Who is Ofcom? Ofcom is the independent regulator and authority for the UK communications industries.
Who is ASA. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising.
What is PEGI? The Pan-European Game Information (PEGI) age rating system
What is BBFC? ‘The British Board of Film Classification’ (BBFC) is the regulator for the film industry.
What is the PCC? The Press Complaints Commission (PCC) is a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers. 
What is a platform? Platform: is the means by which the media is distributed (get it out there) eg. TV, Cinema, Digital Download, Radio, CD, Online, DVD.
What is a device? Devices: is the way that the media product can be accessed (watched/consumed) eg. Mobile, TV Phone, Computer, Games console.
Name the different types of audience. Primary Secondary Individual Group
What is meant by Distribution? Distribution: Making the product available to audiences via promotion or advertising.
What is meant by Exhibition? Exhibition: Viewing or interacting with the finished product.
What is meant by the term narrative? Narrative is how the STORY is constructed and how the audience understands the meaning of the film.
List 4 stylistic codes. Colour Camera Angles & Shots Composition & Navigation Mise-en-Scene Lighting Editing
Name the 5 main patterns of consumer behavior. Genre choices Scheduling when products are consumed Regularity Platform Price
What is meant by subjective? Subjective: Research that include personal opinion.
What is meant by objective? Objective: research that is factual & does not give a personal opinion.
What is meant consumer generated content? Content that is created by media consumers (YOU).
What is meant by representation? The way in which people, places or events are re-presented to audiences.
What are the Regulatory Bodies? OFCOM ASA PCC PEGI BBFC
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