English language + gender


theorist flashcards for language + gender
Flashcards by 08dobson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 08dobson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Lakoff work words - trivial words, weak expletives- oh dear, tag questions - don't impose view, intensifiers- not committing to opinion, hedges- uncertainty, hypercorrect grammar- women comply grammatical rules
Komarovsky work words- women family + personal matters, men money, business, sport, work, local politics
Coates work words - men expert women personal, tag questions - men seek information, hedges- men less, minimal response- women well placed men too late lack of interest + support
Tannen work words- men information giver/fixer status + strength, silences - women listening group bonding, imperatives- men use more
Kramer NY cartoons males swore more
Fishman tag questions- women 3x more conversational shiftwork
Holmes tag questions- modal seek info, affective softening, facilitative draw listener in, 61% modal men , 75% facilitative women
Cameron + Coates tag questions- respect face needs, monitor others in agreement, hedges- negotiable/retractable, competition- adversarial, cooperation- work together
Spender qualifiers- uncertainty women , certainty + authority men
Trudgill Hypercorrect grammar-Norwich women correct pronunciation
Cheshire hypercorrect grammar- Reading - females standard forms
Zimmerman + West interruptions- 98% men , men interrupt women, women interrupt women, overlaps- 100% men, Silences - 3.21 seconds mixed sex, 1.35 seconds single sex, women were interrupted more spoke less
Stanley men positive words 220 words promiscuous woman 20 promiscuous man
Schultz patriarchal order, lexical asymmetry
Bodine androcentric language
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