Traditional Areas of Sport Science


AS level Physical Education (PE) (Developing the Sports Performer) Flashcards on Traditional Areas of Sport Science, created by 007842-Stuart Denton on 04/01/2017.
007842-Stuart Denton
Flashcards by 007842-Stuart Denton, updated more than 1 year ago
007842-Stuart Denton
Created by 007842-Stuart Denton about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
PHYSIOLOGY The study of the functionality of the body, used is sport to assess the effectiveness of the major bodily systems in their response to performance.
BIOMECHANICS The study of body movements and the effects forces have on the muscular-skeletal system. Used in sport to analyse complex movements to improve efficiency and help avoid injury.
PSYCHOLOGY The study of the mind and mental processes, used in sport to assess the mental state of a performer before, during and after a performance.
Role of a EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST Is to optimise training objectives, ensuring the performer follows prescribed training that is specific to their sport and position.
Role of a SPORTS PSYCHOLOGIST Helps the athlete develop the mental preparation needed for competition. Including helping them to cope with pressure and are often involve in team cohesion tasks.
Role of a NUTRITIONIST Key role is selecting the right diet plan for an athlete, balancing the right foods in the right quantities. Working closely with coaches and medical staff to get the most out of the athlete.
Role of a BIOMECHANIST Help the athlete develop better more effective techniques, to ensure a higher level of performance and reduce risk of injury
Role of a SPORTS VISION SPECIALIST Assessment and enhancement of performer vision linked to improving, reaction time, coordination and perception.
Role of a PODIATRIST Works with an athletes feet, analysing how the foot strikes the ground. Information can be used to improve performer running style/speed.
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