A&P Test 1 Semester 2 VOCAB


Nursing Flashcards on A&P Test 1 Semester 2 VOCAB, created by Becca Schmeidler on 25/01/2017.
Becca Schmeidler
Flashcards by Becca Schmeidler, updated more than 1 year ago
Becca Schmeidler
Created by Becca Schmeidler about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Artery Blood vessels that conduct blood away from the heart and into the circulation
Capillary The smallest of the blood vessels and the sites of exchange between the blood and tissue cells
Vein Blood vessels that return blood toward the heart from the circulation
Erythrocyte Red blood cells
Thrombocytes Platelet; cell fragment that participates in blood coagulation
Platelet Cell fragment found in blood; involved in clotting
Leukocyte PWhite blood cells; formed elements involved in body protection that take part in inflammatory and immune responses
Plasma The nonliving fluid component within which formed elements and various solutes are suspended and circulated
Hematocrit The percentage of total blood volume occupied by erythrocytes
Polycythemia An abnormally high number of erythrocytes
Polycythemia Vera Cancer of bone marrow where too many red blood cells are produced
Albumin The most abundant plasma protein
Osmotic Pressure The force drawing water down its concentration gradient; A measure of the tendency of water to move into a more concentrated solution
Interstitial Space Related to or situated in the small, narrow spaces between tissues or parts of an organ
Edema Abnormal increase in the amount of interstitial fluid due to low levels of albumin making water stay in interstitial spaces; causes swelling (primarily in the feet)
Plasmapheresis A method of removing blood plasma from the body by withdrawing blood, separating it into plasma and cells, and transfusing the cells back into the bloodstream. It is performed especially to remove antibodies in treating autoimmune conditions
Alpha and Beta Globulins Produced by the liver or immune system; Glycoprotein; Carrier proteins
Antibody (Gamma/ immunoglobulin) Any of a class of proteins present in the serum and cells of the immune system, that function as antibodies
Fibrinogen A soluble blood protein that is converted into insoluble fibrin during blood clotting
Spectrin Proteins that help erythrocytes hold their shape
Bilirubin Yellow pigment of bile
Urobilin Chemical that gives urine its yellow color; Bilirubin is broken down into this
Jaundice A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from excess of the pigment bilirubin and typically caused by the obstruction of the bile duct, by liver disease, or by excessive breakdown of red blood cells
Hyperbilirubinemia Excess bilirubin that occurs because the baby's liver isn't mature enough to breakdown and remove the bilirubin from the bloodstream
Phototherapy Uses light (not UV light) to increase the breakdown of bilirubin
Erythropoiesis Process of producing erythrocytes from stem cells in the red bone marrow
Hemoglobin Oxygen-transporting protein of erythrocytes; Can carry 4 Oxygen molecules
Deoxyhemoglobin Hemoglobin found in the veins which does not have oxygen molecules; dark red blood
Oxyhemoglobin Hemoglobin found in the arteries which are carrying oxygen molecules; bright red blood
Sickle Cell Anemia Under low oxygen conditions, hemoglobin chains link together, forming stiff rods that deform the erythrocyte; Blood transfusion is the standard treatment
Diapedisis The first major process of leukocytes where leukocytes pass through the capillary wall into interstitial space
Chemotaxis The second major process of leukocytes where leukocytes move toward a chemical stimulus (i.e. bacteria, toxin)
Phagocytosis The third major process of leukocytes where the leukocyte engulfs exotic or extraneous material, and use an intracellular enzyme to digest them
Phagocytes A type of cell within the body capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and other small cells and particles; "eater cell"; eat until they die
Granulocyte Have granules in their cytoplasm and lobed nuclei; phagocytes; there are three types, named by their appearance when stained
Neutrophil Neutral stained cytoplasm; Function is to attack bacteria; Granules are very fine (hard to see); Granules contain defensins
Eosinophil Granules stain auburn; Granules contain digestive enzymes, but these enzymes do not digest bacteria; Most important function is to attack parasitic worms
Basophil Granules stain blue (purplish black); Respond to allergens (like pollen or pet dander); Granules contain histamine
Defensins Antimicrobial proteins; poke holes in the pathogen membrane
Allergens Innocuous substances that the body thinks are dangerous
Histamines Inflammatory chemical that causes the blood vessels to get bigger; A chemical messenger which causes vasodilation and increased capillary permeability
Vasodilator Relaxation of the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, producing dilation
Mast Cell Also release histamine, but are found in connective tissue instead of blood
Monocyte Agranulocytes; Single kidney shaped nucleus; Largest of the leukocytes; Activate lymphocytes; convert into macrophages when they leave the bloodstream
Agranulocytes No granules in the cytoplasm
Differentiate to convert; Monocytes convert into macrophages
Macrophage Big Eater; Protective cell type common in connective tissue, lymphoid tissue, and many body organs; phagocytizes tissue cells, bacteria, and other foreign debris; presents antigens to T cells in the immune response
Lymphocyte Agranulocytes; large, spherical nucleus; only a few in the blood, most are found in the lymphoid tissues; Arises from bone marrow and becomes functionally mature in the lymphoid organs of the body; Two types are T and B cells
B Cell Also called B lymphocytes; oversee humoral immunity; their descendants differentiate into antibody-producing plasma cells
T Cells Lymphocytes that mediate cellular immunity; include helper, cytotoxic, regulatory, and memory cells; Also called T lymphocytes
Plasma Cell Members of a B cell clone; effector B cells specialized to produce and release antibodies
Antigen A substance or part of a substance (living or nonliving) that is recognized as foreign by the immune system, activates the immune system, and reacts with immune cells or their products. This is the site that the antibody binds to
Immunity When the body makes an antibody that matches the invader; Ability of the body to resist many agents (both living and nonliving) that can cause disease; resistance to disease.
Hematopoiesis Production of blood cells from a common precursor (stem cell); occurs in the red bone marrow
Myeloid Leukemia Abnormal leukocytes are myeloblast descendants (granulocytes)
Lymphatic Leukemia Overproduction of abnormal, nonfunctioning leukocytes which are lymphoid descendants (lymphocytes).
Acute Quickly advancing
Chronic Slowly advancing
Megakaryoblast Fragments of giant cells
Hemostasis Blood halting; Important in preventing "bleeding out" from cuts
Clotting Factors Series of protein activations that lead to fibrin formation
Vitamin K An important vitamin that is vital to blood clotting; It is sometimes injected into babies at birth to help prevent life-threatening bleeding
Hemophilia Includes several bleeding disorders; Genetic; Loss of one of the clotting factors, so clotting does not occur; Treatment can include transfusion of plasma or of the appropriate clotting factor
Thrombocytopenia Platelet deficiency; Can cause increased bleeding and bruising
Thrombosis Formation of a blood clot inside of a blood vessel
Thrombus A blood clot that develops and persists in an unbroken blood vessel
Anti-coagulants Inhibit vitamin K production
Clot Retraction Occurs after hemostasis; Further stabilizes the clot; Contractile proteins in platelets contract and pull the ruptured edges of the blood vessel together, and reduces clot size
PDGF (Platelet-derived Growth Factor) produced by the platelets, stimulates smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts to divide and rebuild the vessel wall.
Fibrinolysis Removal of clot after healing has occurred (begins ~2 days after clot is formed)
Plasminogen protein incorporated into a blood clot; inactive precursor for the enzyme plasmin, present in the blood
tPA Tissue plasminogen activator; an enzyme that helps dissolve clots
Plasmin An enzyme that digests fibrin and breaks down a clot
Fibrin Fibrous insoluble protein formed during blood clotting
Agglutination Clumping of foreign cells; induced by cross-linking of antigen-antibody complexes
Karl Landsteiner Found that when blood from different people is mixed, it can lead to blood clumping; Identified 3 blood types based on clumping
Type A Blood Has A antigen present on its blood cells; has an antibody to B type blood cells; Can't receive B or AB Blood
Type B Blood Has B antigen present on its blood cells; has an antibody to A type blood cells; Can't take A or AB Blood
Type AB Blood Has both A and B antigens present on its cells; Has no antibodies and is the universal recipient
Type O Blood Has no antigen present on its cells; Has both A and B antibodies present and is the universal donor; Can only receive Type O Blood
Agglutinogen RBC antibodies that have the ability to cause clumping in cells
Agglutinin The antibody present on a red blood cell
Transfusion Reaction A reaction to wrong type of donor blood cells that causes the clumping of the recipient's red blood cells; This is due to the antibody present in the recipient blood cells
Rh Factor Rh positive blood has the antigen D present on its cells; Rh negative blood can only receive negative blood, because if it is exposed to Rh positive blood cells, it will create antibodies to the cells
Rh Incompatibility If an Rh negative woman is impregnated by an Rh positive man and the baby inherits the Rh positive antigen, a small amount of the fetal blood will enter the mother's circulation at birth. The woman can develop antibodies to the Rh antigen and when she becomes pregnant with her second Rh positive fetus, her cells will attack the fetus's blood cells. The treatment for this is an injection of RhoGAM right after the birth of the first child to prevent the mom from creating antibodies.
Erythroblastosis Fetalis The same thing as Rh Incompatibility
RhoGAM An immune globulin that is injected into an Rh Negative mother after child birth to create her from creating antibodies to an Rh Positive antigen
Septum Separates the heart into the left and right halves
Pericardium Double walled sac that encloses the heart. Has three layers: 1) Fibrous pericardium-protects the heart, anchors the heart, prevents overfilling of the heart with blood 2) Parietal layer of serous pericardium 3) Visceral layer of serous pericardium
Myocardium muscular tissue of the heart
Endocardium Inner endothelial lining of the heart
Trabeculae "Little beams"; if the heart walls were flat, suctioning would occur during pumping
Atrium The areas of the heart where blood enters
Ventricle The areas of the heart where blood exits
Sulcus -Interventricular sulcus: marks the separation of the left and right ventricles -Coronary sulcus: marks the separation of the atria and ventricles; encircles the heart like a crown (corona)
Pulmonary Circuit The right side of the heart which takes blood to the lungs
Systemic Circuit Left side of the heart which takes blood to the rest of the body
Right atrium (Right Auricle) Where deoxygenated blood enters the heart from the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava
Right Ventricle Where deoxygenated blood goes after going through the right atrium. Later pushes through the pulmonary artery toward the lungs where the blood is oxygenated
Left Atrium Where oxygenated blood enters the heart from the lungs through the pulmonary vein.
Left Ventricle Where oxygenated blood flows after going through the left atrium. Blood then leaves the heart through the aorta to be distributed to the rest of the body
Superior Vena Cava Large vein carrying deoxygenated blood to the right side of the heart (the top one)
Inferior Vena Cava Large vein carrying deoxygenated blood to the right side of the heart (the bottom one)
Coronary Sinus Empties blood directly into the right atrium
Pulmonary Artery Carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs to be oxygenated
Pulmonary Veins Carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart
Aorta Artery where oxygenated blood is forced out of the left ventricle to travel toward the tissues of the body
Atrioventricular Valves (AV) Tricuspid valve and the mitral valve. They separate the atria and the ventricles.
Semilunar Valves (SL) Pulmonary valve and aortic valve which are shaped like three crescent moons (semilunar)
Aortic Valve Valve between the left ventricle and the aorta
Tricuspid Valve The valve between the opening of the right atrium of the heart into the right ventricle and that resembles the mitral valve in structure but contains three membranous flaps
Pulmonary Valve Between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve The valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart, consisting of two tapered cusps
Chordae Tendineae "tendinous chords"; "heart strings"-anchor AV valves to the ventricle wall
Auscultation Listening to the heart sounds, typically with a stethoscope
S1 LUB; Tricuspid and bicuspid valves closing, loudest at the apex of the heart
S2 DUB; Pulmonary and aortic valves closing, loudest at top of the heart (base)
Diastole Period of the cardiac cycle when either the ventricles or the atria are relaxing
Systole Period of the cardiac cycle when either the ventricles or the atria are contracting
Infarct Dead tissue resulting from a loss of blood supply
Myocardial Infarction Heart Attack; Condition characterized by dead tissue areas in the myocardium; caused by interruption of blood supply to the area.
Coronary Artery For most people, brings oxygenated blood to the right/left atrium and ventricle by the right/left artery. For 15% of people the left artery brings blood to both ventricles (while the right still brings blood to the right atrium). 4% of people only have one of these arteries which brings blood to the entire heart
Coronary Vein Empties blood from the walls into the coronary sinus of the heart
Striated When muscle fibers are arranged in a latticework, with the fibers dividing, recombining, and then spreading again (like skeletal muscle!)
Sarcomere The reason that cardiac muscle fibers are striated. Composed of myosin and actin. (The smallest contractile unit of muscle)
Endomysium Thin connective tissue surrounding each muscle cell. (Loose connective tissue matrix between cells)
Fibrous Cardiac Skeleton Endomysium connects to this dense connective tissue, which acts as the origin and insertion sites, giving the cardiac cells something to pull against
Intercalated Discs Specialized connections between myocardial cells containing gap junctions and desmosomes
Gap junctions Allow communication between two cells; they transmit the current (ions) across the entire heart
Desmosomes Act like interlocking velcro and hold two cells together; They prevent cells from separating during contraction
Functional Syncytium A single coordinated unit; It's actually two syncytium, the atria and the ventricles. This allows the atria to contract slightly before the ventricles.
Pacemaker Generate the impulse (tell the heart to contract); Also is a device which electrically stimulates the heart muscle if the SA or AV nodes aren't working.
Intrinsic The conduction system inside the body, stimulated by the heart's pacemaker
Sinus Rhythm The rhythm of the heart (contractions of the ventricles)
Heart Rate Determined by the sinus rhythm; The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually per minute; It is based on the number of contractions of the ventricles.
Electrocardiogram Detects the electrical currents the heart generates and transmits throughout the body; 12 leads, each looking at the heart from a separate angle
Arrhythmia Heart's rhythm is abnormal. They can be caused by heart attack, drug overdose, genetic disease, or old age.
Rapid Ventricular Filling 80% of ventricle filling occurs, as blood flows passively into the atria through open AV valves into the ventricles.
End-Diastolic Volume (EDV) Maximum volume of blood the ventricles can hold
Isovolumetric Contraction Phase All valves are closed for a split second during ventricular systole.
End-Systolic Volume (ESV) Blood left in the ventricles after ventricular systole.
Isovolumetric Relaxation Phase All valves are closed for a split second during early diastole
Vagus Nerve Decreases the heart beat
Cardiac Output The amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in one minute
Cardiac Reserve The difference between a person's Cardiac Output and their maximal Cardiac Output. Non-athletes: usually 4-5 times resting (~20-25 L/min) Athletes: can be 7 times resting (~35 L/min)
Stroke Volume The difference between end-diastolic volume (EDV) and end-systolic volume (ESV)
Norepinephrine Increases the number of action potentials; binds to Beta-adrenergic receptor on cells of the SA node
Beta-adrenergic Receptor Norepinephrine binds to this and causes the threshold to be reached more quickly, and an increase in calcium entry
Acetylcholine Released by the vagus nerve and hyperpolarizes the membranes of the cells in the SA and AV nodes. This slows down the number of signals the nodes send, which slows the heart rate.
Vagal Tone The vagus nerve is continuously sending signals, so the heart beat is slower than the rate of the SA node on its own (75 vs 100).
Epinephrine (adrenaline) -Secreted during times of high stress -Acts like norepinephrine and increases heart rate
Thyroxine -Secreted from the thyroid gland -Increases the rate at which the body uses energy (and thus increases body heat) -Increases heart rate
Tachycardia "Heart Hurry" -Abnormally fast heart rate (>100 bpm) -Causes include fever, stress, certain drugs, or heart disease
Bradycardia Heart rate slow (<60 bpm) -Occurs in athletes as heart gets bigger (hypertrophies), stroke volume increases, allowing a lower resting heart rate while still having a high cardiac output -When it occurs in non-athletes, for example because of problems with the SA node, it can cause inadequate blood circulation to the tissues
Congestive Heart Failure Myocardium weakens, so heart doesn't pump blood efficiently, and tissues don't get the blood that they need
Coronary Atherosclerosis Blockage in the coronary arteries so heart doesn't get the blood (nutrients/oxygen) it needs, causing it to pump ineffectively (Can lead to myocardial infarction)
Dilated Cardiomyopathy -Ventricles stretch and thin, and the myocardium deteriorates -Causes unknown, may be genetics, or drug abuse or toxin exposure
P If the left side of the heart fails; The right side sends blood to the lungs, but the left side can't send oxygenated blood to the tissues.
Pulmonary Edema Edema caused by blood getting "stuck" in the lungs - if it's left untreated it can cause suffocation
Peripheral Congestion If the right side of the heart fails and blood backs up into the systemic system, causing edema of the extremities.
Angioplasty Surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery.
Stents A tubular support placed temporarily inside a blood vessel, canal, or duct to aid healing or relieve an obstruction
Bypass Surgery A surgical procedure to restore normal blood supply to the heart by creating new routes for the blood to travel into the heart when one or both of the coronary arteries have become clogged or obstructed.
Arteriole A small branch of an artery leading into the capillaries
Venule A very small vein, where the capillaries converge leading into the veins
Tunica Intima Contains the simple squamous endothelium that lines the artery lumen
Tunica Media -Circular smooth muscle (elastic fibers only in arteries) -Important for blood pressure regulation because it has the ability for vasoconstriction and vasodilation (vasomotor nerve fibers)
Tunica Externa -Collagen fibers-protect and anchor the arteries
Elastic Artery -Large (1.0-2.5cm), thick-walled arteries close to the heart (includes aorta and pulmonary artery) -Contain a high amount of elastic fibers -Allows artery to stretch when the ventricle ejects blood
Muscular Artery -Deliver blood to specific body organs -Internal diameter ranges from that of a little finger to that of pencil lead (0.1-10mm) -Have a thick tunica media (muscle layer) -Active in the process of vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Pre-Capillary Sphincter A band of smooth muscle that adjusts blood flow into capillaries
Arterial Pulse -When the left ventricle contracts, it causes a pulse wave of blood through the arteries, which expands the arteries -After this expansion, the arteries will contract to push the blood into the capillaries -These pulse waves can be palpated at specific body sites on the body ("pulse points")
Pericytes Smooth muscle-like cells that stabilize the capillary wall and help control what can enter and exit the capillary
Continuous Capillary -Most common; found in skin and muscles -Is the least permeable type of capillary because the endothelial cells that line the capillary are joined by tight junctions -some areas are missing the tight junctions-the intercellular clefts -important for passage of fluids and small solutes
Intercellular Cleft NOT present in the continuous capillaries of the brain-thus forming the blood-brain barrier
Pinocytotic Vesicle (pino = "to drink") shuttle the fluids across the capillary wall
Fenestrated Has pores
Fenestrated Capillary -Are more permeable than continuous capillaries because of the presence of fenestrations (pores) -Found at sites of active absorption/filtration -intestines (nutrients) -endocrine glands (hormones) -kidneys (removal of waste)
Sinusoid Capillary -Most permeable of the capillaries ("leaky") -Have lots of fenestrations and few tight junctions (large intercellular clefts) -Found in the liver, bone marrow, and spleen -Large gaps allow blood cells and bacteria to pass through -Macrophages and other phagocytes sit just outside the capillaries and remove any foreign invaders
Systolic Blood Pressure Maximum pressure in the veins-occurs when the ventricles are contracted
Diastolic Blood Pressure Minimum pressure in the arteries-occurs when ventricles are relaxed
Peripheral Resistance The amount of friction the blood encounters as it passes through the vessels (most resistance is found away from the heart-periphery)
Baroreceptor Stretch receptors located in the carotid sinuses (dilations in the carotid arteries), in the aorta, and the large arteries of the neck and chest. They respond to increased blood pressure (60-100 mmHg) -Respond more to a change in blood pressure than a constant increase
Chemoreceptor In the carotid artery and aorta; respond to changes in carbon dioxide levels, oxygen levels, and pH levels. They respond to low blood pressure (40-80 mmHg)
Epinephrine/Norepinephrine Increase cardiac output and promote vasoconstriction
Angiotensin II In response to low blood pressure, the kidney releases renin, which is converted into this. This stimulates vasoconstriction.
Hypertension -Chronically elevated blood pressure (over 140/90) -Heart must work harder to pump against the increased resistance -90% of people, there is no one specific underlying cause, but lots of risk factors: heredity, diet, obesity, age, diabetes, stress, smoking
Nitric Oxide Dilates the blood vessel
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