Anatomy Terms of the Oral Cavity


Digestive system (Digestive System Anatomy and Physiology) Flashcards on Anatomy Terms of the Oral Cavity, created by Katharine Meredith on 01/02/2017.
Katharine Meredith
Flashcards by Katharine Meredith, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Katharine Meredith
Created by Katharine Meredith almost 8 years ago
Katharine Meredith
Copied by Katharine Meredith almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
or/o mouth
hard palate forms the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth
soft palate lies posterior to hard palate
rugae irregular ridges of the mucous membrane covering the anterior portion of the hard palate
uvula small soft tissue projection that hangs from the soft palate that aids in production of sounds and speech
papillae small raised areas of the tongue that contain taste buds sensitive to the chemical nature in foods and allows for the sensation of different tastes
tonsils masses of lymphatic tissue located on both sides of the oropharynx (part of throat near the mouth) that filter organisms to protect the body from invasion of microorganisms and produce disease-fighting white blood cells
labi/o lip
bucc/o cheek
faci/o face
lingu/o tongue
mesial surface of tooth surface nearest the median line
occlusal closeing
crown of tooth top of tooth that lies above the gum line
enamel outermost protective layer of tooth's crown made of a dense, hard, white substance (hardest substance in the body)
dentin main substance of a tooth lying under the enamel that is yellow and composed of bony tissue that extends through the root
cementum covers, protects, and supports the dentin in the root (so the "crown" in the gum line)
periodontal membrane membrane that surrounds the cementum and holds tooth in place in the tooth socket
pulp of tooth soft and delicate tissue under the dentin that contains blood vessels, nerve endings, connective tissue, and lymphatic vessels (also referred to the root canal)
salivary glands exocrine glands that produce saliva
saliva Lubricating fluid that contains digestive enzymes and cytokines (healing growth factor)
parotid glands salivary glands located in front of both ears
submandibular glands salivary glands located on floor of mouth
sublingual glands smallest salivary glands underneath tongue
1.___________ cheek
2.__________ lips
3.__________ hard palate
4._______ soft palate
5._________ uvula
6._________ tongue
7.________ tonsils
8.________ gums
9.________ teeth
cheil/o lips
palat/o palate
uvul/o uvula
gloss/o tongue
tonsil/o tonsil
gingiv/o gums
dent/i teeth
odont/o teeth
1._______ crown
2._______ root
3._______ enamel
4._______ dentin
5._______ pulp
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