Asthma Treatment (Short Term)


Year 2 Flashcards on Asthma Treatment (Short Term), created by gina_evans0312 on 18/04/2014.
Flashcards by gina_evans0312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina_evans0312 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Main Methods of Treatment Inhalation- gets drugs where needed but limits drugs possible
'Treaters' Bronchodilators
Beta-2 Agonists Used to cause bronchodilation
SABA Short acting beta agonists- act in mins, last 3-5 hours
SABA Example Salbutamol
LABAs Long Acting Beta Agonists- delayed onset, last 12 hours
LABAs Example Salmeterol
Beta Agonist Side Effects Tremors, palpitations, headache & nervous tension (they can stimulate B1 receptors)
Theophylline- Effect Non selective phosphodiesterase inhibition, inc in cAMP and bronchodilation
Theophylline- Theraputic range Narrow
Theophylline- Side Effects Tremor, nausea, insomnia
Theophylline- Toxicity Cardiac arrythmias, convulsions
Theophylline- Metabolism CYP450- so any drugs that inhibit metabolising enzymes will inc theophylline levels
Antimuscarinics- Effect Block Ach stimulation of smooth muscle
Antimuscarinics- Ipratropium (Effect) Short acting muscarinic that binds non selectively
Antimuscarinics- Ipratropium (Administration) Water soluble, little enters circulation
Antimuscarinics- Ipratropium (Timing) Slow peak of action (30 mins) lasts 3-6 hours
Antimuscarinics- Ipratropium (Side Effects) Dry mouth, throat irritation, blurred vision
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