B-Cell Activation


Year 2 Flashcards on B-Cell Activation, created by gina_evans0312 on 18/04/2014.
Flashcards by gina_evans0312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina_evans0312 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Location Secondary Lymphoid organs
Maturation Antigen independent
Activation Ag dependent, relies on Th cells
Thymus (Th Cell) Independent Ags- Immunity Type Contributes to innate immunity
Thymus (Th Cell) Independent Ags- Response type Weaker, quicker response with no class switch
Thymus (Th Cell) Independent Ags- Memory Cells No memory cell formation
Thymus (Th Cell) Independent Ags- Somatic Mutation None
Thymus (Th Cell) Independent Ags- Ag Type Thymus independent Ag tend to be highly repetitive i.e. DNA, flagellin, and crosslink repeatedly with BCR
Thymus (Th Cell) Independent Ags- Dominant Ig Secreted IgM- For opsonisation, assisting compliment and agglutination
Thymus (Th Cell) Dependent Ags- Immune Type Adaptive Immunity
Thymus (Th Cell) Dependent Ags- Linked Recognition B and Th cells recognise epitopes of the same antigen
Thymus (Th Cell) Dependent Ags- Linked B-Cell Ag Presentation B cells bound to their specific antigen are 10000x better at presenting the epitopes of that antigen than an unbound B cell
Thymus (Th Cell) Dependent Ags- Germinal Centre Response Only Thymus dependent Ag's can induce a germinal centre response
Thymus (Th Cell) Dependent Ags- Th Cells Th cells can recognise AN epitode of the antigen presented by the B cell, not necessarily the same one as the B cell used to activate itself
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