Trading Blocs - Flashcards


The different types.
007856-Gemma Erskine
Flashcards by 007856-Gemma Erskine, updated more than 1 year ago
007856-Gemma Erskine
Created by 007856-Gemma Erskine almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Regional Trade Agreement Refer to a group of countries which agree to reduce or eliminate tariffs and quotas
Preferential Trading Area Allow certain types of products from countries to have a reduced tariff rate
Free trade area exists where member remove all trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas but keep barriers against non members.
Custom Union Common set of barriers against non members
Common Markets Goods, Labour and capital can move more freely across members states. Workers can relocate from one country to another without restriction. Work together on economic and political policies
Single Markets Builds on from a common market, all trade barriers have been removed and common laws and policies.
Economic Unions A type of trade bloc involving both a custom union and a common market
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