25 Choice Words


Mikaela Haas
Flashcards by Mikaela Haas, updated more than 1 year ago
Mikaela Haas
Created by Mikaela Haas about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
up- prefix meaning: above example: upstairs
sub- under example: submarine
mid- middle example: midsize
be- to cause example: behave
post- after example: postpone
im- not example: improper
uni- one example: unicorn
ante- before example: bellum
micro- small example: microscope
-ous full of example: Joyous
-ess one who (female) example: princess
-ist one who practices example: dentist
-ant/ent one who example: assistant
-ive inclined to example: active
-ian person example: musician
-logy study of example: biology
-ure action example: failure
aqua water example: aquatic
bio life example: biography
geo earth example: geography
biblio book example: bibliography
luna moon example: lunar
sci know example: science
aud hear example: audience
vac empty example: vacuum
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