Work and Mechanical Energy


- Physics G10 Flashcards on Work and Mechanical Energy, created by Kevin Ding on 07/03/2017.
Kevin Ding
Flashcards by Kevin Ding, updated more than 1 year ago
Kevin Ding
Created by Kevin Ding almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Work (W) Product of Force and Displacemnt W=F*S If there is no force acting of the object then there is no work done on the object. If the force acting of the object cannot produce displacement, then there is no work done on the object.
Potential Energy (Gravitational) Ep=mgh
Potential Energy (Elastic) k: spring constant (N/m) x: displacement of distortion
Kinetic Energy v: final velocity of the motion or the instantanous velocity of the moment which you wish to calculate for Ek
Conservation of Mechanical Energy In a frictionless system, the mechancial energy is conserverd
In a frictionless system, the energy can be transformed between Potential Energy with Kinetic Energy without any loss
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