LC Short questions; Pictures & Map work


LC Short questions; Pictures & Map work
Steven Morgan
Flashcards by Steven Morgan, updated more than 1 year ago
Steven Morgan
Created by Steven Morgan almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Tarn Glacial erosion Contour lines packed tight on 3 sides. Colour darker on 3 sides. 4th side contours are spaced. Colour is lighter.
Glacial erosion Plucking & Abrasion Start of Glacier Depression with 3 steep sides & 1 open With a lake = tarn Without lake = Corrie/cirque
Ox Bow Lakes Horse shoe shape lake. Cut off meander.
Levee Raised banks of earth beside the river channel. Spot heights and contour lines show them. Old stage of river.
V shape valley & waterfall Found in mountains. Brown color Tightly packed contour lines Contour lines make "V shape" Waterfalls may be labelled
Arete Glacial erosion Thin piece of high ground that separates one corrie/tarn from another. Contours packed tightly. Brown color.
Ribbon lakes AKA Paternoster lakes Glacial erosion Plucking & Abrasion Found in U shape valley floor (Green). Steep sides (Tight contours & Brown colour) Lakes connected by a River Trellised Drainage pattern
Drumlins Glacial Deposition Small hills dotting the land. Submerged in Clew Bay Spot height will show change in height.
Flood plain River deposition Old stage of Rivers Green color nearest river channel. Widely spaced contour lines. Spot heights show height. Flat land.
Sea cliff Coastal deposition Light/brown color. Tightly packed contour lines. Spot heights. Near sea/ocean
Lagoon & Sand Bar Bar: Strip of land that covers off a bay. Lagoon: Water trapped behind the sand bar. Land here is salt marsh as the water dries up.
A= Sea stack B=Sea Arch C= Blow hole D = Beach/Bay
A= Terracettes B= Landslide C= Mudflow D= Rotational slump
A= Concave slope B= Even slope C= Dendritic D= Drumlins E= Cut off meander F= Trellised drainage
A= Sandstorm B= Open cast mining C= Forest Fire D= Delta
1= B 2= C 3= D 4= A
A= Volcanic ash B= Forest Fire C= Deforestation D= Glacier
Groyne Offshore bar Cliff Rock armour A= Offshore bar B= Groyne C= Cliff D= Rock armour
A= Meander B= Arete C = V shape valley D= U shape valley
A= North American B= Eurasian C= Africian D= South American E= Constructive/Divergent F= Transform G= Destructive/Convergent
A= Radial B= Trellised C= Denderitic D= Deranged
A= Tremors B= Fault line C= Focus D= Epicenter
A= Tarn B= Truncated spur C= Arete D= Hanging Valley
A= Attrition B= Terracetes C= Blowhole D= Scree
A= Later moraine B= Arete C= Pyramidal peak D= Corrie
A= Lava B= Ash cloud/gas C= Crater D= Pyroclastic material E= Magma Reserve F= Secondary vent G= Vent H= Parasitic cone
Central plain = C Wallonia = D Mediterranean = A Berlin = B
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