National 5 English - Close reading question types


The types of questions there are in Close reading, and how to answer them.
Finlay Paton
Flashcards by Finlay Paton, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by VEJackson almost 10 years ago
Finlay Paton
Copied by Finlay Paton almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
In your own word questions 1. Locate the answer 2. Translate the answer (generally one mark is awarded for each separate point).
Context questions 1. State the meaning of the word 2. Use at least one quotation to show how the context helped you.
Linking questions 1. Quote the part that refers to the previous topic and explain how it does do. 2. Quote the part that points forward to the new topic and explain how it does do.
Word Choice questions 1. Quote the word (or, at most, the short phrase) you think is effective. 2. Comment on the word, examining its connotations.
Imagery questions 1. State what technique is used and what is being compared to what (you can quote here). 2. Explain the literal meaning of the image ("Just as...") 3. Explain and evaluate how the writer uses these ideas to make his point ("So...").
Sentence Structure questions 1. State the technique and quote its usage. 2. Comment on the effect of the technique in the passage you are reading.
Use of Language questions 1. State the technique and quote its usage. 2. Comment on the effect of the technique in the passage you are reading. 3. Repeat as necessary.
Questions about Tone, Register or Attitude 1. State the tone, register or attitude as required by the question. 2. Identify language features which help convey this. 3. Comment on these and repeat as required.
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