Flashcards for cuircuit symbols


Stuff for revision or whatever I don't really care what it is it just gets me good scores i guess.
Ewan Martin
Flashcards by Ewan Martin, updated more than 1 year ago
Ewan Martin
Created by Ewan Martin about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the symbol for an ammeter? Yeah this is the thing.
What is the symbol for a resistor? Yeah this is the thing.
What is the circuit symbol for a LED? Yeah this is the thing.
What is the circuit symbol for a voltmeter? Yeah this is the thing.
What is the circuit symbol for a lamp/bulb? Yeah this is the thing.
What is the circuit symbol for a battery? Yeah this is the thing.
What is the circuit symbol for a thermistor? Yeah this is the thing.
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