Languae change theories (AO2)


Flashcards on Languae change theories (AO2), created by BigDarce on 12/05/2013.
Flashcards by BigDarce, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BigDarce over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bull's Eye: Phonological change. When we say a word we are aiming for the target of perfect pronunciation, however as we hear so many alternative pronunciations our view of the perfect pronunciation can change. For example people now say 'would of' instead of 'would have' this is because the abbreviation of 'would have' is 'would've' which sounds so similar to 'would of' people have taken to saying this, thinking 'would have' means something completely different.
Cuckoo's nest: multiple variations of the same word exist (synonyms) but one becomes dominant and kicks all the other words out.
Crumbling Castle: The less you do to maintain language the more unusable certain phrases and words become, until they fall out of use completely becoming archaic or obsolete
Damp Spoon: The idea that language change is due to laziness, such as the dropping of apostrophes (Whats instead of What's)
Infectious disease: The idea that language change is a disease that people unwittingly catch. An example relevant to class, now more people call Alex 'Pogga' than they do Alex.
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