Physical Geography


GCSE AQA physical geography
Flashcards by hayleyelizabeth9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hayleyelizabeth9 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the two types of tectonic plates? Oceanic and Continental
What is the Outer Core made of? Iron and nickle
What are the plates doing at a destructive plate boundary? The denser plate (oceanic) is subducted underneath the less denser plate (continental)
Give an example 2 plates at destructive plate boundary Nazca (oceanic) and South American (continental) plates
What is a constructive plate boundary? Plates moving apart
Give an example of plates at a constructive plate boundary. North American and Eurasian
What is happening at a collisional plate boundary? Two plates of similar density ( oceanic and oceanic or continental and continental) are being forced towards each other
Give an example of a plates at a collision plate margin. Eurasian and Indo-Australian
What is a conservative plate boundary? Two plate moving in the same or similar direction at different speeds
Give an example of plates at a conservative plate boundary. Pacific and North American plate
What type of plate boundary are fold mountains formed at? Collision
What type of volcano is formed at a constructive plate boundary? Shield Volcano
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