

Introduction to Evolution and Animal Biology (Darwin) Flashcards on Darwin, created by Judith Z on 25/04/2017.
Judith Z
Flashcards by Judith Z, updated more than 1 year ago
Judith Z
Created by Judith Z almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Great Chain of Being Ancient Greece Direction of evolution Complex is better The idea of progress Ideal form
Al Biruni XI century Studied rivers and noticed change Threatened the Church's idea of stasis
Linneaus Species are fixed but can be identified Natural theologist By studying the world, you get to know how it was created (and God) better Didn't challenge God, tried to find proof
Bishop Poley Theory of intelligence design - Theory of the matchmaker Destroyed by David Hugues (brought proof of evolution)
Michael Behe Irreducible complexity If you can't take something from an object without making it useless, it was so well thought that it can't have been evolved (otherwise reliquats)
Exaptation (pre-adaptation) Shift in the function of a trait during evolution (a trait can evolve because it served one particular function, but might have come to serve another, ex bird feather)
The Lunar society Group of free thinkers, entrepreneurs, leading industrialists and scientists Involved in industrial revolution change Wedgewood, Priestly, Bolton, Watt and Erasmus Darwin
Catastrophism The changes in the world were believed to be a catastrophic process
Uniformitarianism Changes come slowly, are gradual and have gradually changed how the world is and looks
Lamark's theory of evolution Change in env give change in use of an organ Characteristics are acquired and can be inherited Changes aren't due to chance but by desire to improve (giraffe's neck)
An essay on the principle of population Malthus - Overproduction of young - Rising pop outstrips ressources - Lower classes are irresponsable -> let the poor die
Tree motif Darwin Gradual evolution from common ancestor No hierarchy of contemporary form No requirement for increase in complexity (no upward movement)
Fitness Herbert Spencer Individual reproductive success, average contribution to the gene pool of the next generation
Social Darwinism Applied idea of survival of the fittest to societies (some individuals are better than other, rise to the top with free competition) Eugenics and Nazis
Natural selection Differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype. It is a key mechanism of evolution, the change in heritable traits of a population over time.
Antagonist pleiotropy Pleiotropy : genes affect many characters As long as overall fitness is increased, neutral or negative adaptation can occur Antagonist pl. : if a trait is beneficial at one point and detrimental at another (ex : testosterone = reproductive fitness but prostate cancer)
Pangenesis Darwin Only cells can generate new organisms Tiny hereditary particles "gemmules" in reproductive organs passed to offspring Blending, slow and long process of changes between individual (unlike Mendel)
Epistasis The interaction of two or more genes to control phenotype
Central dogma Mendel and Darwin A genotype will influence a phenotype and then will influence another genotype
Evolution Change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection and genetic drift
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