Catholic/Counter Reformation


History Reformation Flashcards on Catholic/Counter Reformation, created by erjnaylor on 13/05/2013.
Flashcards by erjnaylor, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by rlshindmarsh almost 12 years ago
Copied by erjnaylor almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was Paul IV's papacy? 1555-59
What was the consilium, who wrote it and when was it published? Dossier on the abuses of the church, compiled by contarini for Paul iii in 1536, was leaked and published by ports
When was Pius IV's pontificate? 1559-65
When was the third session of the council of trent? Jan 1562-Dec 1563
when were the tridentine decrees announced, what did they involve? 1563 new bible translation absenteeism, nepotism, simony, indulgences and pluralism all banned reinstigation of weekly mass and regular sermons and catholic doctrine defined
when was Julius III's pontificate? 1550-55
What reforming measures did Paul IV implement? Papal index in 1559 nearly disbanded Jesuits emphasis on the Roman inquisition 100-200 friars living immorally in Rome were sent to galleys
Who established the collegium Germanicum and when? 1552, Julius III
when was the Regensburg Colloquy? 1541 culmination of attempts to reconcile Prots and Caths in the HRE via theological debate
When was the roman inquisition set up? July 1542
When was Julius II's papacy? 1503-1513
when was Leo X's papacy? 1513-21
when was Adrian VI's papacy? 1522-23
When was Clement VII's papacy? 1523-34
When was Paul III's papacy? 1534-49
when was the first session of the council of trent? 1545-49 but is essentially in active after 1547 after an outbreak of cholera in Trent prompts Paul to move it to bologna, Charles makes his constituent stay
When was the Second session of the council of trent? May 1551-April 1552
when was the oratory of divine love set up? 1497
when were the Capuchins set up? 1528
when were the Theatines set up? Cardinal cajetan 1524
When were the ursulines set up? 1535
when was the sack of Rome? what was the result? 1527, during Clement VII's reign caused the Split of England from Rome in 1534
what is the difference between spirituali reform and Zelanti reform? Spirituali = reform from within the church Zelanti = attacking protestantism
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