ESS Topic 1


Topic I from the IB syllabus
Flashcards by kaydalevon , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kaydalevon over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
System An assemblage of parts and relationships between them, create an entity. Component are connected through transfer of energy and matter.
Systems consist of... Storages Flow Processes Feedback Mechanisms
Storages matter or energy
Flow input/output of matter or energy
Processes transfer or transform the matter or energy
Feedback Mechanisms maintain stability in system
Gaia Hypothesis Earth = planet sized organism and the atmosphere = organ that regulates it + connects all its parts
Open System Exchanges matter and energy with its surroundings (ecosystems)
Closed System exchanges energy but not matter (closest thing to model this = nitrogen/water cycles)
Isolated systems exchanges neither matter or energy (none exist)
1st Law of Thermodynamics Energy cannot be created or destroyed
2nd law of Thermodynamics Energy and materials go from concentrated to dispersed form
Entropy disorder
Static equilibrium No change (no inputs/outputs of energy or matter) i.e Chair
Steady State Equilibrium Systems can return to normal following a disturbance (Homeostasis)
Stable Equilibrium disturbance happens and the system can return to normal or almost normal
Unstable Equilibrium Disturbance leads to system making a new equilibrium after passing tipping point
Positive Feedback amplifies change in a system away from equilibrium
Negative Feedback self-regulating method to return to equilibrium
Transfers energy/matter changing location in system
Transformation Energy or Matter changes state
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