Unreal Conditionals - Picture Description


Flash cards to practice Second Conditionals
Jorge Cardoza
Flashcards by Jorge Cardoza, updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Cardoza
Created by Jorge Cardoza almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
If he had money, he would...
If she weren't pregnant, she could...
If he were taller, he would...
If he didn't have fever, he would...
She would.....if she had a job.
Paul would....if he knew how to play soccer.
Mary would...if she were more sociable.
Sandra would....if she could visit a country in South America.
Brenda would....if she didn't have so much work at the office.
Carlos would....if he weren't married.
Martha wouldn't....if she were still going out with her boyfriend.
Brett wouldn't....he had a job.
She wouldn't....if she had a driver´s license.
He wouldn't be so fat if he....
She wouldn't be so out of shape if she....
He wouldn't have to cheat on exams if he...
His wife wouldn't cheat on him if he....
Mark wouldn't be worried about passing the course if he....
Daniel wouldn't fall asleep at work if he....
She wouldn't have to steal if she....
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